Oenothera speciosa
Early Autumn 2020
Early Autumn 2020

Via Wikipedia: While #OenotheraSpeciosa makes an attractive garden plant, care should be taken with it as it can become invasive, spreading by runners and seeds. This drought-resistant plant prefers loose, fast-draining soil and full sun. The flowers are frequented by several species of insect, but moths are the most common as the flowers are mostly open at night.
Via Wikipedia: #Oenotheraspeciosa is a species of #eveningprimrose known by several common names, including #pinkladies, #pinkeveningprimrose, #showyeveningprimrose, #Mexicanprimrose, #amapola, and #buttercups (not to be confused with true buttercups in the genus #Ranunculus).
...or true primroses in the genus #primula
@emch They are the guinea pigs of the botanical world, ha ha