Late Spring 2016
Mid Autumn 2015

My candelabra Primulas arrived a couple of weeks ago. I've potted them up for winter and will plant them out early spring. Hopefully they will be as colourful as the photo my nephew took. Seems this variety will grow to 3' 😄🌸💕

Good luck! I hope they overwinter well.

Thanks @joanboston I'm going to keep them in the cold frame do you think they will be ok in there?

Look forward to seeing them Mo 🤓🤓 @mojo

Looking good @mojo 👍😍

Fingers x you will have a good show next year👍🏻

I just have to create a small bog area first before I plant them out as they like damp/wet ground! Think I'm going to be busy over winter! Will be looking for more help from you all I'm sure! ☺️ @joanboston @juliesgarden @debs69 @janric

Should be fine in cold frame @mojo.

Don't need to create any damp area here! New garden and so much wetter than our last. Quite a challenge.

Where abouts are you @joanboston? My last garden was quite wet due to it being mainly heavy with clay and near a stream. But now we are higher up and the soil seems to dry out very quickly!

They look like beautiful plants Mo. Hope they do well for you 👍👍👍

Thanks Pearl @fuschia 😊
Early Autumn 2015

Help me identify this plant. My nephew took this photo in May in Northern Ireland and would love to know what it is please?

It is a Candelabra Primrose

#pink 😍

Really nice

Stunning 👌

Yes candelabra must get some of these.

Thank you @tiggrx 😊 @joanboston apparently they were about 4' tall. I've never seen them before but definitely going on my wish list #mowants @debs69 @kathy @christineb 😍

Oh I've never seen them that tall before. They like a damp soil so no problem here!

They are lovely 😘

He saw them at Mount Stewart gardens which is National Trust and said they just about came to his mums chest and she about 5'! He's been back working in the USA and wanted to buy her some but no one knew what it was. @joanboston 😊

Got to be damp for them to flourish. Usually see them by streams or ponds. You should be able to get them online @mojo

...easy to grow from seed !! Lovely plants... :)
Hoping my candelabra Primulas will multiply to to look something like the top left hand photo. Think I'm in for a long wait though 💕😊
Mine looks like yours! Just bought in November. Hoping it spreads I love it @mojo
I bought mine in November as well @joanboston I bought 5 plants so hoping they will spread quite quickly
Stunning colour 💗
Lovely Mo 👍
I've planted them in quite a shady corner of the garden so hopefully they will brighten it up there💗 @lovemygarden65
Thanks Julie they should grow to about 4' tall so the nursery said 😊 @juliesgarden
@mojo the are beautiful and stunning 💕💕💕
I love them, saved mine from the dark shade of the geranium maderense and give it a nice spot, let's see if it still do anything this year
Liking those @mojo fingers x you will
These are really lovely
@tina thanks Tina 💕😊