Galanthus nivalis
Snowdrop (Species) Common Snowdrop
Mid Winter 2022
- 3
Mid Winter 2018
- 8
Mid Autumn 2017
- 4
Mid Winter 2017
- 4

Galanthus nivalis
Mid Winter 2022
Mid Winter 2018

Happy weekend everyone! 💚 I found these little beauties in a clients garden yesterday and they made me smile from ear to ear! Snowdrops are the heralds of spring, so that means it’s well and truly on the way! 🌱🌱 Have a fabulous weekend and happy Big Garden Birdwatching to everyone taking part. #galanthus #galanthophile #snowdrops #heraldsofspring #spring #springadingding #springiscoming #white #bulbs #happy

Morning Beck. Can't get enough of these little beauties ......they make me smile too. Have a wonderful weekend :))

Morning Beck, just gotta love snowdrops 💟

Morning Becks, lovely 😊

Morning Becks very pretty 💚💚💚

Morning Beck, aren't they just lovely 😍😍

Lovely 😍

Morning Becks lovely to see the snowdrops 🤗💛💛
Mid Autumn 2017

Oh o! First Christmas decoration purchase made and in a botanical theme!! Win win! ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ #christmasdecorations #snowdrop #baubles #decoration #christmas #purchase #botanical #whiteandgreen #theme

What else is there on your mind 🤔😊

Very pretty 💚
Mid Winter 2017

Happy Saturday lovely GTer's. Ooooh how exciting!! Spotted these little beauties in a clients garden yesterday. So dainty and beautiful. 🌱❄️🌱❄️🌱❄️🌱❄️🌱#winter #yourseason #myseason #galanthus #snowdrop #winterbeauty #winterflowering #winterflower #bulbs #naturalising #white #whiteflowers

Morning lovely to see, have a good day 😁👍🙋

And to you Beck 😊 loving seeing all the snowdrop posts - no sign of mine whatsoever 😏

My first pollinator of the year! 🤍💚🐝 #wildlifewednesday
Wow great picture 🐝🐝
I just posted a pic of my first pollinator too, a honeybee