Fragaria x ananassa
- Mid Spring 2017
- 27
- 1
- Mid Spring 2017
- 13
- 1
- Early Spring 2017
- 20
- 9
- Early Spring 2017
- 16
- 1
- Mid Winter 2017
- 6
- 7
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 2
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 4
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 8
- 4
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 3
- 9
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 2
- 16
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 5
- 1
Fragaria x ananassa
- Mid Spring 2017
- 27
- Mid Spring 2017
- 13
Lots of flowers and fruit!!!
- Early Spring 2017
- 20 new #video update of dirt strawberry... First video of them.... @purplebird @blasome @dfresh1433
Thanks 🤗
Did you start these in hydrophobics and transfer them?
@SikoMa they were plugs from, no leaves, bare roots
Oh ok. Thank you Mike😉
So far, bugs is the only thing I think outside is a problem, they do have the major benefit of sun light, but also weather... I've been giving em fertilizer
They look great!!! Waiting for test taste day!!!
@blasome I'm waiting to see which blooms first... Indoor have already tried to bloom, I've cut 5 flowers... But I figure that was plant shock or something, cause the plants just took off to start so....
As far as rabbits and turtles some netting or fencing would help you keep your outside produce. Placing human and or dog hair is supposed to deter deer and rabbits. Don't know how well that works but some swear by it.( But some people just like to swear) Bugs a small amount of soap in water to spray with or neem oil. 🤗
- Early Spring 2017
- 16
Oh wow!! My dirt strawberries got jealous and had a growth spurt!!!! #race
- Mid Winter 2017
- 6
I'm not sure why, but I keep trimming, there is new growth below the original leaves.. I think if you look closely, the leaves turned brown and they are stiff and dry... Those are the last of the original leaves from dirt when I transplanted and the new green leaves are new hydroponic leaves I think the plans shed it's old self for a new hydroponic self.. I'm unsure if this is natural, cause the light and water and food and growing medium changed... Learning... The plant is producing berries and
Any brown crusty leaves take off they are no real use to the plant if it has new green ones @myk3 they will start throwing out babies on stems
I like your idea about the new selves as they completely change their growth medium. The big dead/dying leaves may also be shading the new growth.🤗
Got a new camera phone, that picture sure is crisp!
Yes the photo quality really jumped up 👍
Thanks for the lighting information and I am glad I sparked an idea in your head. Remember to tag the people that showed interest in your work and walk them around all the changes from that first photo to the latest one.🤗
@purplebird I will create a new post side by side
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 2
Another pic, add more later!
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 4
Day 8 #hydroponic strawberries, sorry pic isnt great, ill get a better one soon, im not home dad took this pic and sent it... growing like crazy!!
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 8
Day 6 strawberries, not gonna track the growth on these much, i recently found out it will take a year to produce fruit, so i'll follow progress on them, but not often, i am looking for anyone who has strawberries that are growing now if you want to trade plants by overnight mail, cause i would love some runner plugs to start immediate bearing of fruit. I also have a cloner so im willing to take cutting and share my plants with @any of you.... #tradeplants
Is it under a purple light?
Grow lights, check my profile, i actually have posted pics of the bulbs... yes its an indoor hydroponic garden, red and blue lights are supposed to be all plants absorb on the light spectrum, so technically red + blue (purple) light stimulates plant growth and its all they need? Im still testing this thou @mah
Thats great to know @myk3
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 3
So i have 3 new sprouts in 1 foam collar today, does anyone know if 3 can grow in 1 pot? I think it would be ok, its a 2 inch diameter net pot, root space shouldnt be an issue cause each netpot is 12in away from another and free flowing in solution, plenty of room, i cant transplant any without killing them, but would 3 survive?? I guess if they kill eachother they would die anyways right??
Well anything I say now is 14 wks too late. But it looks like your reasoning is good and you have a hypothesis to test. And a "bad" outcome will teach you, and you would get that outcome anyway. So going for broke and seeing if it works would be the only way to get a "good" outcome=3 live plants. So sounds like you did well to go for it. What happened?🤗
I haven't been able to keep anything alive past 2 months... I'm learning... I'm getting better the first time was only about two weeks... Hydroponics is very intriguing to me and it is like playing with the genetics of plants... I can't wait till I learn enough to succeed regularly
You will too, you have the yearning for the knowledge and for the ability to work it. So you will keep at it till you figure it all out. Too bad we don't have a really good mentor for you here. 🤗
You all grow plants and pretty much that is the basis everyone can help me regardless if it's not #hydroponics @purplebird
Yes with some basic concepts. And I am sure everyone willing to help. But u could use someone that knows answers to hydroponics questions. You still would have your unique system but maybe it would help solve some of the basic growing problems your having. 🤗
And always remember to tag people that were interested in your work and progress when you have something you want them to see or if you want them to address a question. Very important otherwise they may miss your post in the feeds.🤗
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 2
Today is day 1 for 6 new strawberry plants. 2 seeds in 2 different foams and 1 each in 2 other foams. I hope the doubles will be ok, cause if i try to move them apart one will die.
Anyone know if doubles will strangle eachother or maybe be ok? I know strawberrys have runners and clone themselfs, so im thinking maybe? But i know they need space too?
(Posting so i can journal and remember how old these are and to see how fast hydroponics is compared to natural traditional dirt)
Well, I really believe that part of gardening IS testing and comparing. Especially side by side. Say: "5 with, 5 without", etc
@humus yes... cant wait for spring, i get to test #hydro vs dirt / non hydro, and real side by side comparrisons.
Why foam Myke?
@jaydbloo well, i bought the net pots and thats what it came with, not sure if i like it, but it seems to work, im also testing rockwool, im sure both have different advantages qnd disadvantages, i guess i wont know til i harvest a few crops, personally, i dont think the plant cares eitherway!? Lol
Lol o ok awesome. So if you don't mind sharing, what's the reason for the alternative growing approach as opposed to outdoor gardening? It looks so cool and hi tech!
I just commented this on a other post, but will post here... its the same reason
@jaydbloo #hydroponics is defined as, "no dirt, Hydroponics uses 98% less water to grow an equal amount of traditional food, no peticides, less plant diseases and virtually no pest problems, and plants grow 70% faster than outdoors, ability to control the nutrients and light a plant gets to force the plant to flower or fruit"
Its not extreemly high tech, but a little bit ingenuity and electrical wiring, combined with plants and water and vitamins!
Ohhhhh! Ingenious! I think you put me on to something 🙌I'll look more into and thanks for sharing!
- Mid Autumn 2016
- 5
Itty bitty baby strawberry sprouted today.... so cute!
Another strawberry doing very well!