Helianthus annuus
Late Spring 2018
Mid Spring 2018

Giant sunflowers... I moved to Kansas, it's the state flower I felt it's only right to grow giant ones!!

The perfect place to grow any flowers is beside a giant tree. Sure the roots might hinder your ability to plant in the way you want but once established the tree will most of the time take care of the flower if it's healthy itself
Wow they're getting tall I'd say almost three and a half feet!! I have to remember with this app to take a step back because you have to crop it when you post LOL
Did you know that sunflowers will pull radiation out of the ground, back in the 80s when Chernobyl blew up they sprinkled billions of sunflower seeds around Chernobyl, and the flowers were used to decontaminate the area... Fun fact
Nice. I planted some in the alley behind my house for the birds. I hope they get big
I am in love..gonna try some seeds next year..any suggestions @cyndi
@cyndi when should I start planting the seeds
@KimmyGro after last spring frost works
@myk3 what month is that. March or April or sooner
I planted a lot in April and we had a late Frost and I had to replant half of everything
If you go buy a pack it says on the back... after Last frost... It depends on what zone and region you live in
Ohhhh...I am new to this..now i get it..thanks