Peperomia dolabriformis
Mid Winter 2019
Late Autumn 2019

Hmmm I'm guessing he's not very happy.. judging by that colour? 😣 He feel like he's rooted well but something isn't right! Might repot him and change locations on my next day off.. 🤔 #prayerplant #peperomiadolabriformis #peperomia #succulentsunday 05.05.19
Mid Summer 2019

Saved this guy from the Bunnings dead table the other day 😉😂 Reminds me of tacos! (mmmmm tacos!) #tacoplant 😋😂 And I just realised before it's really clinging onto dear life, it's poor base stem into the soil was twisted and dead 😣 so I've cut both stems off and repotted 🤞🙏 wish us luck! #prayerplant #peperomiadolabriformis #peperomia

Hope you can save it 🤞🏼🤞🏼

@richard.spicer.7906 thanks! I'm hoping it can be treated like a succulent? Read they like a bit more water 🤞

Now that you said the leaves look like tacos I’ll never unsee it 😂

@honestgreensco 😂😂

@honestgreensco that would be my ultimate dream plant.. an edible taco tree! 🌮😋

@mzambz omg I hope mother Gaia is hearing you and brings to life the “taco tree” 😁 combine my favorite food and pastime: trees 😂

@honestgreensco 🙏😋😂
Happy to report that after just over 2 months (of pretty much neglect.. out of fear & also my winter hibernation 😬😂) this guy has bounced back & is looking nice & plumpy! Yay! 14.07.19 #survivor #prayerplant #peperomiadolabriformis #peperomia #succulentsunday I call him #tacoplant 🌮🤤😂😂