Marguerite Daisy
- Mid Spring 2017
- 29
- 5
- Early Spring 2017
- 37
- 1
- Early Winter 2017
- 30
- 1
- Early Autumn 2016
- 15
- 1
- Mid Spring 2017
- 29
- Early Spring 2017
- 37
This side of the new year coming on a treat #marguerite #daisy #hydroponicsxi #2ndgeneration 🌈🍾👌 3 #potted up ready to sell at my Garage sale this weekend . now somebody else can enjoy 🌈 #topotup #destined for #Kokedama #blue #pots #edinburgh windtastic today everything blowing everywhere, hope it calms by the weekend 😬 for the #garage sale 🤔😬🤣 & #seedswap #geodome #gyo #sweetpeas coming on a treat behind to 👌
- Early Winter 2017
- 30
Moved him indoors, not enjoying this cold snap by the looks of things 😬
- Early Autumn 2016
- 15
Hydroponics ( #wickmethod) for my Wee #daisy cutting coming on nicely , having here a Wee water turnaround #sloosh ... #naomi126 #cuttings #freeplants #edinburgh #watersloosh
Third generation from seed 🍾 cuttings have taken #yellow #marguerite #daisy #white &mixed #Yellow bottom 😂 #cutting #third #generation #23/01/2017 #hydroponics-grown #hydroponicsexperimentiii #iv #v #vi #vii #3 #2017 #coir #h2o #crystals #seaweedfeed #egodiamite & #volcanicrock #Edinburgh #Scotland #geodome #naomi126 #macro #yellow #purple #white #foliage #wick #method #sweet-tubs #permaculture #movinghouseagain
Hi, I am curious about the Hydro... what is it? How does it work? Thanks!
Mines very rudimentary it has to be said, use #sweet-tubs #hydroponics #wick method follow a few off my hashtag things there and you'll see @totallygarden other wise here's a couple of links you might find helpful 😊 This one looks interesting I'll have to read it myself 😂📝😜.
Oh and this looks good to @totallygarden #tip
Thanks! @Naomi126 , I will read and may try as well!