Cucurbita Maxima 'Uchiki Kuri'
Late Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

The best Wee Squash seedling , never grown this type before, a magazine James Wong freebiee😋 in for the 7th tub Experiment vii Hydroponics iii As my Geodome greenhouse is rather hot and oh they'll need it... 🌻😬☕️Time to give Hydroponics a shot at saving time I don't have . 😬🤔🤔😘 #squash #james Wong #freebie #grownfromseed, #seedling #Experimentvii #Hydroponicsiii #Geodome #greenhouse #hot %Hydroponics #timesaving #labels #pots #diy #gyo #£100ayearbudget #pillowcase #wickmethod #ish 😂

@Naomi126 I suppose you had to drink a whole bottle of whisky whilst planting this plant?? Hiccup...🍾🍾🍾😜😜

Haha , 😂wish I had drunk it, there the lovely Hectors shop ( yum whiskey and my fave tobacco) shop 3 doors down empty a from there tastings 😋

#winebottlewatering 👍😂
Can't wait for my first #uchiki-kuri #squash #hydroponicsxi #experimentxii