Helianthus annuus
Late Autumn 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Autumn 2016
- 5
Late Summer 2016
- 5
Mid Summer 2016
- 13
Mid Summer 2016
- 1
Early Summer 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 5
Late Spring 2016
- 6
Early Spring 2016
- 2
Late Winter 2016
- 22

Helianthus annuus
Late Autumn 2021
Early Spring 2017

#sunflowertime 🍾 #25/3/17 next #generation #seed iii year ( from my #biggest in #October 2016 #sunflower #winner #fresh #Gyo #Edinburgh #Scotland #Naomi126 #springtime
Mid Autumn 2016

#sunflower #autumncolour #fallflowers #edinburgh #seed #macro #macromonday

@Naomi126 Morning Naomi. 😊

Top of the Morning to you Mike

@mikethegardener 🔼

Late Summer 2016

Not bad for collected #sunflower seeds 😊 9ft now he's drooping 😬😜 😋 #seedcollecting #gyo #seedswap #freebies #onabudget #£100ayear

@naomi126 Hi Naomi how did the garden viewing go? 👍👍

I just need to wait and see now @drewneil thanks for asking, the lovely ladies had a good ponder... Not sure basically, think there going to hand me to the Edinburgh Botanics 😂 " more there thing " also, to near book publishing dates , they thought not for there readership and day trip visitors, I have a feeling 😬 would love the Botanics to get me on there radar now that I would be a very happy bunny with 😊

There's a new one shooting up, think this old mans going to be beaten in a few days 😊 @latebloomer 😜 his head is ginormous ... Ok no double meaning there 😂

@naomi126 good luck Naomi. My eldest son got married in the botanic gardens. We were lucky and had a beautiful sunny March day.
Mid Summer 2016

The freebie seeds are the best this year 👌🏻

Colour names for dogs here too.... One of my hounds is called 'Red' 😄👍

Thx 😊 @latebloomer , how's your end off our Sphere 🌏 ? Just been watching a few episodes off Hardening Australia, where's it been all my life !!!! It's brilliant on so many levels 😘 oh and @brightcolours you put me on to something thanks X

Gardening 😂😂😂😬😬😬😬🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼

Oh my

Love the name Red for a pooch something very Nevada, American 👌🏻 @TheGardenWife 😜

#yellow #sunflower #Blue #bluethedog #gyo #Edinburgh #grownfromseed #white #Black #mygarden

Love #GardeningAustralia !!!

Naomi: a must watch Oz movie was Red Dog!!! Did you see it???? This is promo clip for follow up to it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ys9njXUXCIk @latebloomer

Evening 🌏 @latebloomer I'm trying to work round the ABC neck works online dodas to watch a full episode, can only get clips, brilliant show, from what Iv seen it beat all ours 📺hands down👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 Festivals mega, all good, a lot off Happy Potter crossover Buisness too, so sardines, in waves in the shop😜 packed.. Love this time off year, so many lovely folk around 👌🏻 oh an the beautiful people are here in force too 😬😜😆 thx

Yeh I seem to remember a dingo in a kids program called Red too @brightcolours @TheGardenWife had a gerbil called Red named after it when I was a kid 😂

Just followed you link @brightcolours , goodie a new Jason Isaac's movie 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻😂👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻😘
Mid Summer 2016

Mega 🌬🌪🌬🌪💨🌪stringing up, winds 💨⛄️💨🌬💨🌬💨🌬🏳hit Edinburgh big time , Enjoying hearing the Edinburgh Tattoo boom echo off the Craggs tonight 🎙 ( need a Wee bag piper emicon thing 😜)
Early Summer 2016

In and happy 😘
Late Spring 2016

Yey 🌻🌻🌻 first in the garden 👌🏻

Mine are still seedlings! 👏👏👏

Great pic Naomi 📷🌿🌼🌺

@Naomi126 wowzer I've no flower bud at all yet. Are you secretly living in the tropics? Lolz 😆🤔 Beautiful flower and all sunshiny.

Wow mine are still teeny weeny ..just potted 6 giant sunflower baby's out yesterday 😊🌻🌞
Late Spring 2016

First to break threw , put strait in the soil 😋 from seed I collected from my huge one last year grown in a hay bail 📝 #secondgeneration #sunflower #gyo #seedling #green #soil

@Naomi126 reminding me to get grandson to plant some !!

@Rosiana been towm for blinds and came back with plants as well lol

Naughty little sis! Xx

Hi. I planted lots of sunflowers last year and when they got tall, squirrels bent the heads right over to get the seeds. They didn't finish growing and died so didn't do them this year. I was so sad about that.

Poor u @trisha33118 😘
Early Spring 2016
Late Winter 2016

Goody just got home to these... Can't wait, there from a Wee man in Lithuania👌🏻

Was this part of your seed swop? @Naomi126 🤓

@debs69 sadly no... They came to late....😜 shame 😍

Oh and @debs69 I have a slight seed buying addiction on eBay hence, the seed swap need in the first place 😜

I have a similar addiction @Naomi126 👍

#seed #sunflower

You must have a big garden?

@brightcolours got my first ( allowed to do want I want garden) ever space/ garden (rent you see) 6 X weeks ago 👍🏼👀🎉

Let-your-hair-down-time!! 🎉🌱🎉🌱🎉

How lovely is that

Happy planting.:)

I didn't think you were allowed to send / receive plants and seeds from different countries looks like I got that wrong 🙄 enjoy your sunflowers 😊 @naomi126
Morning all this frostastic morning from the ScottishBorders. Thanks @pelly ( Jane ) for the remenising moment that is #throwbackthursday , here my wee ( sown by the coaltits as they do@😁😂) last remaining sunflower till the storm a few weeks ago here. #selfseeded #sunflower-unknown
You're welcome Naomi. It's a very useful hash tag at this time of the year 🌻🌻🌻