Vicia Faba 'Aquadulce Claudia'
Broad Bean 'Aquadulce Claudia'
Mid Summer 2016
- 2
Early Summer 2016
- 2
Early Summer 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 2
Late Spring 2016
- 8
Late Spring 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 1
Late Spring 2016
- 1

Vicia Faba 'Aquadulce Claudia'
Mid Summer 2016
Early Summer 2016

He's loving the dull weather 🤔😳
Late Spring 2016
Late Spring 2016

Experiment ii seed sowing challenge . 😋Nice roots, the takeaway tubs worked much better then the peat pots👌🏻

@Naomi126 takeaway pots great for seeds, seedlings and I also use for tissue culturing as you can autoclave them. I get about 300 + lids for £35. Can't go wrong....just takes me ages with a hot kebab skewer making drainage holes!! 😷😷

@drnicko now that's what winter nights are for😉👍great tip I shall be looking into that one 🕵🏻 I've limited space for seed trays. I currently use the cell watering propagator trays with lids and had good results to date.

@lamaisonbleueoleron @Naomi126 takeaway containers are also stackable as long as you air daily and rotate I get good results for germinating lots of seeds at once, but use more perlite than usual to reduce water stagnation.

Ditto for the perlite, I add vecilamite ( spelt wrong 😂) and a massive pinch off Cinnamon on the top to stop dampening off has made massive diffrence to germination and longevity when you ignore them 😂

Oh @drnicko & @lamaisonbleueoleron 🔺🔺🔺

@drnicko I'm big fan of perlite also use vermiculite quite a lot. Notice I've super root system with plants 👍 😂 "I need to get out more"

Ditto , think I'm going to write to the company and try and get lots 🤔😂 @lamaisonbleueoleron if I can wangle it 😜
Late Spring 2016

Lovely root system. Not going to use the peat pots again, they're truly doing my head 😱in, only losses Iv had... 😁 So cardboard Chinese tubs are defiantly the winner for seed sowing in my book this year .
Late Spring 2016

The best Wee Broad Bean seedling in for the 4th tub Experiment iv Hydroponics iii As my Geodome greenhouse is rather hot and oh they'll need it... 🌻😬☕️Time to give Hydroponics a shot at saving time I don't have . 😬🤔🤔😘 #broadbean #grownfromseed, #seedling #Experimentiv #Hydroponicsiii #Geodome #greenhouse #hot %Hydroponics #timesaving #labels #pots #diy #gyo #£100ayearbudget #pillowcase #wickmethod #ish 😂
Late Spring 2016

Label for Broad Bean , 1 off 3 seeds , strongest won to be in tubs 4. Experiment iv Hydroponics iii As my Geodome greenhouse is rather hot and oh they'll need it... Time to give Hydroponics a shot at saving time I don't have . 😬🤔🤔😘 #Broadbean , # yum #ExperimentIv #Hydroponicsiii #Geodome #greenhouse #hot %Hydroponics #timesaving #labels #pots #diy #gyo #£100ayearbudget
Pick pick pick 🤗
Nice I miss my veg garden, summer pickings straight in the 🍳