(Acquired 19 May 2017; PhP50; Laguna) Not sure if this is a B. Maculata or Wightii, B. Cracklin' Rosie, B. Raspberries for Ronnie... There's just too many species/cultivars! #begonia #houseplant #polkadot #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsBegonia
Notes: 13 June 2017 Medium to bright indirect light. The better the light, the more flowers produced. Leaves and flowers drop in low light. Allow 50% of soil to dry out then water well. Fertilize monthly. High humidity. Easily propagated from stem tip or leaf cuttings.
15 August 2017 Not looking too good up in the balcony so planted outside in the garden, under a big pomelo tree, getting light/dappled shade. Looks better now.
(Acquired 19 May 2017; PhP50; Laguna) Not sure if this is a B. Maculata or Wightii, B. Cracklin' Rosie, B. Raspberries for Ronnie... There's just too many species/cultivars! #begonia #houseplant #polkadot #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsBegonia
Notes: 13 June 2017 Medium to bright indirect light. The better the light, the more flowers produced. Leaves and flowers drop in low light. Allow 50% of soil to dry out then water well. Fertilize monthly. High humidity. Easily propagated from stem tip or leaf cuttings.
Notes: 13 June 2017 Gets direct morning sun on east side of porch outside. Water every 3-4 days.
15 August 2017 Not looking too good up in the balcony so planted outside in the garden, under a big pomelo tree, getting light/dappled shade. Looks better now.