Begonia (Cane Stemmed)
Cane Stemmed Begonia
Early Autumn 2016
- 3
Early Autumn 2016
- 1
Late Summer 2016
- 13

Begonia (Cane Stemmed)
Early Autumn 2016
Early Autumn 2016

Late Summer 2016

Help me identify this plant

Hello Zeeshan 👋 Thanks for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say 'hello', simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks also for asking us to help identify your plant #PlantID. Fellow GT'ers are you able to help Zeeshan? @PlantDoctor @David @barbaramatthews @justin @richard.spicer.7906 @thedanielrichards @Garyg @linfoster @joanboston @mr_plantgeek @tiggrx @kathy @mikethegardener @GREENFINGERSLTD @jamesshobbs

This might be some variety of begonia but I'm not sure. Maybe Wesley could help. @wesleybrian ?

@wesleybrian @lilium The seller told me it's from Holland.

Looks like a begonia to me? Has it flowered? #variegated #indoor

Looks like a satin pothos but I'm not quite sure, maybe pothos or cane begonia? very beautiful foliage though 👍😍 @zeeshan @lilium

Looks similar to this cane begonia:

good call @brightcolours 👍

Is cane Begonia different from Angel Wing Begonia? Because looks similar to Angel Wing Begonia too @brightcolours @wesleybrian

Cane begonia seems to be a softer cornered foliage while Angel wing begonia has sharper edges😆 I hope this helps!

@wesleybrian Thanks a lot.
This one popped out as a surprise. Always thought this would be hard to grow. #dayoftheleaf
Interesting leaf 👍
I love the polka dots!