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Profile Image Jean F.


Silang, Cavite PH. Crazy plant lady since February 2017. A cactus here and there but foliage is my jam. Indoors, balcony and a bit of the garden.

Strobilanthes dyeriana 'Persian Shield'

  • Season Icon Early SummerEarly Summer 2017
  • Like Count 14

(Acquired 19 May 2017; PhP100 for 3; Laguna) Notes: 07 July 2017 About 1 foot tall. Outside on the patio; partial shade. Two pots on either side of the front door, one by the east, the other by the west. Alternate every week or so. Watering every 4 days or when top few inches are dry to the touch. Propagate through cuttings. Pinch in spring/when actively growing. #foliagefriday #persianshield #strobilanthes #purple-leaves #PHGardenTags #PHGardenTagsStrobilanthes #StrobilanthesDyerianus
