Have you had any issues with caterpillars eating your leaves? Mine is nearly decimated! I’m so sad. This plant is beautiful I love the color in this photo!
@redmomma I’ve been pretty lucky. No caterpillar 🐛 on this plant. Maybe because they’re hanging out over with the Brussel sprouts and some basils. We seed swap if you need some more seeds later. 😊
#red #amaranth #growfromseeds
Have you had any issues with caterpillars eating your leaves? Mine is nearly decimated! I’m so sad. This plant is beautiful I love the color in this photo!
@redmomma I’ve been pretty lucky. No caterpillar 🐛 on this plant. Maybe because they’re hanging out over with the Brussel sprouts and some basils. We seed swap if you need some more seeds later. 😊
@niching right on! I’m hoping mine will tough it out and manage to overcome the pests, but I will certainly keep you in mind! Thanks! ☺️