Arisarum proboscideum
Mousetail Plant
Mid Summer 2016
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 1
Mid Spring 2016
- 2
Mid Spring 2016
- 2
Early Spring 2016
- 6
Early Spring 2016
- 2
Early Spring 2016
- 0
Early Spring 2016
- 3

Arisarum proboscideum
Mid Summer 2016
Mid Spring 2016

The ones under the maple tree are a little less shy 😂
Mid Spring 2016

The mouse tail plant is so strange. The little flowers stay hidden underneath the foliage, there is no wonder I missed it last year. Such a shame to not have them on show.

Mid Spring 2016

Coming along nicely 😃

Love it! 😃 😃
Early Spring 2016

I've not seen this before, how unusual, does it spread quickly? 🤔

This is the first time I have spotted it @mojo will take more picture as it grows this year. The patch it covers is probably 50cm spread, we have been here 2 years and not much was done with the garden for probably 5 years prior to that. Xx

Just reading that it can be quite invasive.

Thanks @nickinairn I'll research it more as well. I'm sure the garden will start to thrive again now. It looks lovely already 😊

Thank you @mojo xx

Early Spring 2016

Does anyone have a summer photo of this mouse plant? The ground seems to be damp and planted with other plants for ground cover in the photo I'm viewing. I hope to save my plants but I need some help.

@geanie will pop out in a minute and have a look for you. Although ours is being invaded by other plants at the moment!!
Early Spring 2016
Early Spring 2016

Help me identify this plant. I have no idea what this is and don't remember it from last year! #plantid

It's Mousetailplant (Arisarum proboscideum)

Thanks again, your knowledge of plants is amazing 😃
The little mice tails have gone and we now just have these leaves on foot long stalks covering the area xx
@geanie xx
How long have you had this plant and what kind of weather do you have? I'm in the Pacific Northwest mild with an occasional hot week during summer. I also have hellebores that have done well but it took almost a year for them to settle in. Thanks nick for answering.
We moved into this house 2 years ago and only liberated it from the ground elder and other weeds this year. We are in Northern Ireland so our weather can mainly be described as wet!! Not sure how long it's been here for but its spread to about a half meter diameter and looks to be doing well xx