- Mid Summer 2019
- 13
- 10
- Early Summer 2019
- 11
- 2
- Late Spring 2019
- 29
- 4
- Mid Spring 2019
- 8
- 1
- Mid Spring 2019
- 17
- 2
- Mid Spring 2019
- 23
- 3
- Mid Summer 2019
- 13
- Early Summer 2019
- 11
#succulent #echeveria
Very nice! Love the reddy bronze look 😍
- Late Spring 2019
- 29
Looking dreamy. 🌙✨ #succulent #echeveria #summerdream #echeveria-summerdream
Color & shape both are fantastic
Beautiful. Love the color
- Mid Spring 2019
- 8
#echeveria #echeveria-summerdream
- Mid Spring 2019
- 17
Got an ID on this bad boy. It's a Chang-jo & Air-magic hybrid. Stoked.
I love this plant !! 😍
- Mid Spring 2019
- 23
Help me identify this plant. #succulentid
Whatever it is I LOVE it
I think it's E. Paloma that has been grown exceptionally well. Here is the link to the ICN entry. Plant on there is fairly green though, and the flower isn't fully open, but is a match.
Summer dream. Idk why this one is so happy.
Yasss new post 😍
Ohh this is nice and new too
Thank you @hangsucculents
The person in control of "curating" the encyclopedia keeps removing the ID on this plant. After discussion with the app creators, the person appears to be the very same user who was bullying me. Because she was not removed from the app for violating TOS, even though she can't "contact" me through the app, she is able to continue harassing me by doing things like this. E Summer Dream was created by airmagic nursery in Korea. Although recognized by the ICN, not all of their plants are listed in
the ICN. This plant has been confirmed to have come from airmagic, a respected nursery. This is why I can't use the app anymore @usgardentags @cyndi she still affects my experience with this app.
What a lovely #echeveria-summerdream! I have also had succulents mysteriously change identification on me. @cyndi - Lauren did tag @usgardentags, which I'm glad she did! I will also add @David @teamgardentags @thedanielrichards Please help Lauren! This has to stop....
Thank you @cyndi @KariSamuel The name is correct now because I changed it back for the third time. I have not gone and looked through my other plants to see if their names were changed yet but I will. I don't see how the creators couldn't foresee something like this happening. /:
@KariSamuel I am sorry your plant tags are being affected too. D:
@gardentagssucculentexpert @gardentagsplantsteam are you able to help out here please?