Allium cepa (Cepa Group)
Early Summer 2017
Late Spring 2017

Pulled this Texas Early Grano sweet onion from the garden today. #gyo

Mine are the soze of pencil lead

Harvested bunching onions from containers. #gyo #growyourown #freshisbest
How long did you have them in ground before you pulled them?
@ripjuju I potted these late last fall. These were from 9, 1 gallon pots.
Good idea. I have some planted inside a tire slow going.
Looks great. Most of my onion patch went to flowering and resulted in tiny bulbs. Not sure why
@gardeningmylife We cut the flower stalks (scapes) off when they appear.
I see. I read somewhere that once stalks start to appear bulbs won't get larger anymore and we need to pull it out. Let me try your trick next time. Which zone you are in and when did you plant these? I am assuming you did not start from seed
@gardeningmylife Zone 8b. These were planted in pots late last fall and were transplants from previously harvested pots.