Sempervivum Lilac Time
Sempervivum 'Lilac Time'
Late Winter 2025
- 12
Mid Summer 2023
- 10
Early Summer 2023
- 8
Mid Autumn 2022
- 18
Late Summer 2022
- 7
Early Summer 2022
- 27
Early Summer 2022
- 14
Late Spring 2022
- 2

Sempervivum Lilac Time
Late Winter 2025
Mid Summer 2023

Morning everyone. The flowers on this #sempervivum-lilactime are quite pretty even though they sound the death knell for the plant 🌸 #pots

Morning Jane .. how pretty is that 🩷

So pretty 😍 do you take cuttings?

Morning Jane. Such a pretty flower 👋😍

But think of the babies😀

Morning Julie, sweet aren't they 🥰 @juliesgarden

Aren't they just. It has lots of pups waiting to take over the space 😍 @vegandmore

Morning Pauline, they certainly are 🌸 @flof1952

I've got lots of pups Joan 😍 @joannie.a

Hi Laura 👋 @columbiariver
Early Summer 2023

Morning everyone. My #sempervivum-lilactime is going to flower so it’s a good job it’s got some pups around it to carry on the line 🌵 #succulentsunday

Good morning Jane be lovely when it’s fully open. Have a nice Sunday🤗

Happy and sad at the same time

I’ve had quite a few flower this year too Jane. Lovely while they last

Morning Enid, thank you and you too 😘 @godfreye

Definitely. I've never had one flower before so I'm looking forward to seeing it 🤔 @joannie.a

I'm looking forward to seeing the flowers but sad that the plant has to die 🥺 @joanboston

Morning Jane ☕️
Mid Autumn 2022

Morning everyone 👋. My #sempervivum-lilactime is in the greenhouse now but will it need to come in the house when the temperatures drop? 🤔 #succulentsunday #advice-appreciated

Morning Jane, I left my succulents in the cold frame last year and they came through okay. The condensation did cause some die back but they sprung into life again very quickly. Not sure about temperature requirements though. 🤔

If i remember correctly it s most important to keep it frost-free and dry. They really hate wet weather. Dry is the key

Morning Jane .. mine stay out here but greenhouse should be fine , if it gets cold out a bit of fleece and next to no water 👍🏻

I am sure I have read its the wet not the cold that kills them

I leave mine out all year round Jane 🤔

I keep my succulents in the greenhouse throughout the winter and they’ve always been fine. Keeping them dry is the key. 🤞😘

I have some planted in the ground outside that have survived several years Jane

Thanks for your input everyone. There are some varied replies but keeping them dry seems to be the most important requirement so I'll leave them in the greenhouse and see how they go 🥰 @italydiva @lifeonaroofterrace @juliesgarden @joannie.a @sieveheadsarah @jacaranda @joanboston

I have had to resort to keeping my Lewisias in the shed, near the window, to keep them dry. Not sure if that helps!

They are extremely cold hardy (they originate from very exposed mountain tops) so will tolerate at least down to -20C. However, they will be living in very rocky and gritty soil so providing they are not sitting in just pure compost or heavily moist soil all winter then they will be absolutely fine outside.

Thanks Elise. My Lewisias are in the greenhouse now 👍 @Auricula
Late Summer 2022

Question. Is it normal for a sempervivum to have so many pups? I can't keep up with them 🙄 #sempervivum-lilactime #succulentsunday

Crikey a promiscuous sempervivum😂 love the colour ☺️

Thanks Katy. That sounds a bit scary 🥵 @gjones

Who knows what they get up to after dark 🤣😂🤣 @Auricula


I've heard of puppy farms did not know they also produced sempervivums🐶🐕🐩

Brilliant Joan 😂😂😂 @joannie.a
Early Summer 2022

#succulentsunday. I have a lot of pups growing from this echeveria and am not entirely sure what to do with them all. There are more the other side and some growing at the back. Do I need to detatch them all and replant or should I leave some. Also how big do they need to be before I can take them off? Help needed please 🤔 #advice #echeveria-lilacina

This is crazy cool Jane! Wish I could tell you but I'm succulent dumb! 💘😍

You can detach as many as you like Jane, if you want to leave some to get bigger you can. They'll pretty much survive replanting whatever the size, they root quickly

Isn't it Shelley. Thanks anyway, I'm the same 🙄😂😂 @ShelleySnyder

Thanks Jason. I'm a newbie with succulents as you can probably tell 🙄. I was worried that the bigger ones would damage the mother plant 👍 @hebelover

As usual no help at all😂😂😂

They don't damage it as such, they just keep squashing up together, so you can end up with some odd shaped ones

I can't even help myself with this one Elise 😂 @Auricula

Then I'll try and get the bigger ones out to start with because some of them look a bit squished already. I've got a broken terracotta pot ready and waiting (don't ask 🙄) Thanks for your help Jason 🙏 @hebelover

You're welcome 😄 I'm well used to broken pots, Sam's still my resident smasher!!😂

And Neil is mine. It had my non-flowering Mandevilla in it 🤬🤣 @hebelover

I want to use the pot mines in, I think it has to go
Early Summer 2022

I’m so excited. We were sitting having a coffee in the garden when Neil saw a leaf cutter bee going into the side of this #echeveria-lilacina pot. If you look carefully you can just see the hole 🐝 #leaf-cutter-bee

That's an amazing coincidence Jane as exactly the same thing happened to my Echeveria pots last year, except mine were hanging on a wall and the bees went in through the drainage holes in the bottom 🐝

Oh yes, I remember you posting that now. I wonder if they like the medium they’re planted in Sue? 🤔🐝 @churchfarmgarden

Strange it's the same plant isn't it Jane? I had a terrible catastrophe with mine as in the winter I put the pots on a wire rack in the polytunnel so the bees could get out of the holes when they hatched and they got knocked off by the wind in a storm and 2 pots smashed. I think the bees had already hatched but transferred everything to a cardboard box to be on the safe side. They were like small cigars by then where the leaves had dried, very interesting 🐝🐝

Fascinating, Jane🥰 The wonders of nature🐝. @churchfarmgarden

It is very interesting Sue. Apparently they break free from their nest in late spring. I have a question though, how did you water the plants? The only space I have that I can get water in is very near the nest 🤔 @churchfarmgarden

I'm really happy to be watching this happen Elise. It's in and out like a jack in the box 🐝 @Auricula

It is Katy. It's very hot here but I keep popping out to have a look 🐝 @gjones

An honour that they chose you and your garden☺️

Absolutely 🐝 @Auricula

I just watered very sparingly Jane and hoped for the best 🤞🐝

We've had no rain for ages Katy and the heat is ramping up again tomorrow so you are welcome to some of it 🙄😂 @gjones
Hi everyone. My #sempervivum-lilac-time has overwintered well in the greenhouse 🌵 #succulentsunday
Always a bonus when you overwinter plants 🪴 😁
Absolutely 💯 ☺️ @debs69
Back at you 👋👋 @lifeonaroofterrace
That’s a relief! 😅
They look great Jane 👍🏻
It certainly is Barbara 😅 @jacaranda
Thanks Julie 🥰 @juliesgarden
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #overwinter
Some lovely colours coming through on them too this time of year 👌🏼
There are. I think it needs a sort out though 🙄😂 @richardspiceratwork