I thought this Cycad was a goner. It hasn’t flushed any new fronds for a couple of years and, as it’s planted out in the garden, the last couple of winters has reduced its old fronds to a couple of very sorry looking stalks. However, having given it a good watering a couple times in this dry spell, in a last ditch effort to revive it, this evening I’ve noticed what looks to be a new flush of foliage developing. It lives!
I thought this Cycad was a goner. It hasn’t flushed any new fronds for a couple of years and, as it’s planted out in the garden, the last couple of winters has reduced its old fronds to a couple of very sorry looking stalks. However, having given it a good watering a couple times in this dry spell, in a last ditch effort to revive it, this evening I’ve noticed what looks to be a new flush of foliage developing. It lives!