Hippeastrum (Galaxy Group) 'Minerva'
Hippeastrum 'Minerva'
Late Spring 2019
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Winter 2018
- 4
Early Winter 2018
- 3
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Late Autumn 2017
- 2
Late Autumn 2017
- 5

Hippeastrum (Galaxy Group) 'Minerva'
Late Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

I kid you not, this is 39 inches tall with 5 full blooms. It flowered last winter and over summered in the yard. I let it go dormant way too late to bloom for Christmas. So here it is, my Easter #amaryllis
Early Spring 2018

Still going strong. Leaves are loving sunny days. Spiller is #mezoo #mezootrailingred

Is that a hoya underplanted the amaryllis? Very pretty together 😍 @petitelake

@cyndi the amaryllis has been outside all summer. I was going to read up to see when I have to bring it in and prep for bloom. I should know if there are offshoots soon.
Mid Winter 2018

Blooms are spent. Time to regenerate the bulb. I was planning to plant this outside in the summer but am confused. If I'm not suppose to let water get inside the bulb. Do I have to prevent rain water from getting inside the bulb. Does anyone have experience planting #amaryllis outside? Any advise? #zone5 #zone5b #snowman

Beautiful Shot & Lovely Ambience

I let the leaves brown out. Cut them back to bulb. Store in a cool dark place till 8-12 weeks before Christmas. Water and feed. And back to a bright bright place for regrowing.

Im pretty sure you can plant them outside as you would any other bulb, planting with the crown about an inch above the soil.. www.easytogrowbulbs.com/pages/amaryllis-planting-guide
Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

The spiller seems happy even if it's not water compatible. I cut off the first stalk after its bloom and added a snowman. #amaryllis #snowman
Late Autumn 2017

Flowers are starting to pop. Decided to keep the drought tolerant spiller. They seem to be happy mates. #amaryllis

Love it!!!❤💛 @petitelake
Late Autumn 2017

Thought I would add a spiller to my amaryllis. Good idea, bad execution. I combined a bulb that likes to be moist with a plant that likes it dry. This drove me to create a garanimal reference to help know which plants are compatible. I'll be repotting this one tonight. #amaryllis

It looks nice, though. So the idea was good, but perhaps with a different companion? Let us know what you come up with.

I’ve done this many times. Trying to add my favorite alyssum to containers. But they only bloom when they have a dry spell. If you find a trailing plant that likes wet feet, let me know. 😉

Try creeping Jenny

Thanks @KBE that's a great idea
#help #amaryllis-advice Assuming these are seed pods from my Amaryllis are they worth saving? Does anyone want them?
my largest amaryllis bulb flowered with 2 spikes and I thought they were duds like the last few years but 2 pods are still alive
@Doomsdoor that's great. This is the first time I've let it go to seed. Fingers crossed.