Salvia officinalis 'Tricolor'
Garden Sage 'Tricolor'
- Mid Spring 2019
- 2
- 1
- Early Summer 2018
- 1
- 1
- Early Summer 2017
- 1
- 1
- Late Spring 2017
- 4
- 1
Salvia officinalis 'Tricolor'
- Mid Spring 2019
- 2
- Early Summer 2018
- 1
Getting some new growth since moving from pot to flowerbed this year (Jul-2018)
- Early Summer 2017
- 1
Really chuffed with how well this has grown.
- Late Spring 2017
- 4
Potted up May 2017
It's looking a bit straggly and worse for wear at the moment. Hopefully it'll pick up now it's got plenty of space again