Actinidia arguta 'Issai'
Hardy Kiwi 'Issai'
Late Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
- 13

Actinidia arguta 'Issai'
Late Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

#hardykiwi #issai hopefully starting fruit for the first year including winter deep-rooted to the ground 😋

@gardengirlla it's cultivar #Arguta!!! They stand from -20°C up to -28°C!!

@gardengirlla here check! (also part 2!)

@gardengirlla after the 2 vidz check also

I left them for dead all winter (Geneva, Switzerland) and they come back! It's known as "Siberian kiwi" and they are delicious!!! Even more vitamin also!
Mid Spring 2019

Just testing the app and want to keep the 10 free plants planner for other plants. This is a Kiwai Issai or "mini kiwi" that can survive -15°C and don't need too much care :)

Hi Mat 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping Discover and "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hi", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert. Finally, if you'd like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks also for asking us to help identify your plant #PlantID. Fellow GT'ers are you able to help Mat? @barbaramatthews @carolgs @Garyg @jamesshobbs @joanboston @kathy @lexijane @linfoster @mikethegardener @mrsflowerpot @PlantDoctor @richard.spicer.7906 @Yollymac

Welcome to GardenTags Mat. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed with this app. It’s become a virtual international gardening club with some amazingly knowledgable people on it. Have fun!

Thanks #awomanonabike but I don't understand how asking for help on a plant I already know would work... It seems focused on identifying plants & not on the rest. For example I added an identified plant with a question about fructification but it still shows it as unidentified... Not sure what I did wrong... And I want to keep the free version of the app for testing but I cannot show all my identified plants without loosing planning for the ones that are coming and in need for advanced features

#cyndi thanks, I'm surely able to introduce some funny stuff like a cheese plant very rare but the notification I received like "10 plants then premium version" surely gives restraints to contribute which feels very odd.... 🤔 #teamgardentags maybe something to consider in clarifying for newbies 😉

I’m not entirely sure that I understand your problem. When you add a plant that you already know the ID, you add it as a plant by looking for it in GT plant base. There’s no limit to how many you can add, the limit is on the number of tasks that you can add. Once added it is easy to read up about it in the encyclopaedia and even easier to see other examples. You can then post any query directly to someone who has already posted that plant though with time you’ll learn who the people are who...

...are likely to be able to help and tag them within your own post, like this @cyndi (add @ then start to type their name). You can also find info by hashtags eg #kiwi #kiwi-tip etc.

I got 3 choices when adding a plant: 1] "find in our encyclopedia" (which by the intro is counted on the 10 plants for free account) 2] "unsure what the plant is? Find below" 3] "ask community"... None of those give me the chance to contribute or show a new plant which is not in the database (and why should I put a new one that will not give me any tasks...?) anyway maybe the tutorial is just misleading but it's a serious handicap for the app to grow in my opinion

#awomanonabike #cyndi #teamgardentags just to be sure you see the previous message

I may be mistaken then but I thought you could add as many plants as you wanted (1st choice). If you do add a plant to the database you can add tasks to your entry but the database is now huge so it’s rare for me to have to add a plant to it these days. PS You need to put @ not # before someone’s name to make sure they see your message ⬆️ @cyndi @teamgardentags @ukgardentags 😊

@awomanonabike hahaha... Well I will sleep less dumb tonight 😂 many thanks!!
Wondering if I should pollinate my #kiwai by hand.... 🤔 Any #advise ?
@cyndi yeah I saw some. I think they did their job as its starting to grow. My finger limes however had almost all flowers dying and there where many more bees on it... I'll only have about 3 limes this year... 😞