Dianthus barbatus
Sweet William
- Early Spring 2018
- 20
- 16
- Late Autumn 2017
- 15
- 4
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 19
- 6
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 20
- 15
- Early Autumn 2017
- 20
- 22
- Early Autumn 2017
- 17
- 2
- Early Summer 2017
- 11
- 1
- Early Summer 2017
- 5
- 0
Dianthus barbatus
- Early Spring 2018
- 20
- Late Autumn 2017
- 15
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 19
- Mid Autumn 2017
- 20
#butterfly #butterfly-id @treefrog44 @cyndi
Awesome...thank you @cyndi
Always ahead of me by a min or 2 @cyndi!
The host plant for the fritillaries are passion flower vines :)
Lol @treefrog44 @cyndi
My passion flower vine I was trying to root...failed. @treefrog44
Did I send you a corky stem vine? If not I can send one your way :)
No you didnt....lol @treefrog44 that would be great! Thank you!
I would love some too @treefrog44
Did you ever send me your address? Did I miss the email? @KariSamuel ?
My bad. Just sent. 😔 @treefrog44
Fantastic pic Kyla so beautiful 😍😘👍
- Early Autumn 2017
- 20
#dianthus #sweetwilliam #fallblooms
Those are real pretty
Thank y'all 💮 @cyndi @terrimclaughlin
How are you feeling this morning?💜 @cyndi
I hear ya! Lol Ours are evil too! 🐜 I already have some bites this morning! @cyndi
I'm so allergic to both....but not as bad as I was when I was as a kid though....used to swell up like a tick! @cyndi
Ok girl....get to working! Get that spray out! @cyndi
@cyndi and Kyla,if u have some,Skin-So-Soft(by Avon) spray or rub that on your arms legs,anywhere skin is exposed. The mosquitos won't bother u. It also helps the I if u get bite by ant and u won't have to worry on finding spots that form afterwards..ugghh!
I instant Cyndi...im about and don't have the extra to buy more. I'll have to rely on my citronella plant to ward them off. @cyndi
Thank you @Acetaker that will have to be a request I put in for a christmas present from my mom or sister.
#avonskinsosoft #mozzie-advice
TY❣️ @brightcolours
- Early Autumn 2017
- 17
Beautiful 🤗
- Early Summer 2017
- 11
Ooh I like. I believe this is something my mom would find wild as she loved to identify wild flowers and I recognize the name.🤗
- Early Summer 2017
- 5
#spring #springflowers #dianthus #grown #growing #grow #grownalot #grownbigthisyear #springsfirsts My other #springs firsts...
Great close up!💖💘😍
Thank you! 😘 @ShelleySnyder
Very welcome Kyla! Feeling better?💘😍
Lovely Blooms
Yes...a bit better @ShelleySnyder 💗 thank you so much for asking. I've been a little out there lately with everything...life has just had me in its drudges...I'm lifting myself up and out now! I'm so glad it's spring. A time for birth and renewal. I'm being tested big time at this point in my life. I just want to make myself and everyone, especially God and my children happy!
Thank u @gauravsh6 ❤
Spring is a great renewal time! I'm sure you will be successful!!💘😍
Beautiful close up blooms, Ky❤❤❤
Kyla, you make God happy growing his creations and spreading his love! Remember Jesus said when asked the greatest commandment was to love God above all, then everyone else. 🤗
Got rapped up in your comment, forgot I was going to say your flowers are fabulous 🤗
Awww thank you @purplebird 🤗😘💗