Drosera Intermedia
Spatulate-leaved Sundew
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Early Winter 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 8
Early Autumn 2017
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 8
Mid Summer 2017
- 4

Drosera Intermedia
Early Winter 2018
Early Winter 2018

#drosera-intermedia coming out of #hibernaculum #newgrowth #newleaves #drosera #bogplant #growlight #indoorgarden #carnivorous #carnivorousplant #sundew #ledgrowlight #overwinter-indoors #insectivious #bugeating
Early Autumn 2017

#flowering-sundew #sundew-flowering #sundew #drosera #drosera-flowering

I fancy one of these too. There are some native ones here too 👍

Ooooooh!! It doesn't look real!!💘😍

I love these....im trying to grow them from seed too! @jeatacake

It looks like something from a science fiction magazine... 👽 @ShelleySnyder

Never though about seeds for them. I'll be looking out for some now 😊👍

I bought mine on eBay....but be careful....only buy from Sprouse 2006, flytraps, emeraldcitycarnivores, and there's a few others I'll have to get back to you on that....or just trust your instincts. I've learned what to look for so I don't get ripped off again. I only buy from reputable sellers. @jeatacake

Thanks Kyla. I have had some duff seeds from EBay, which never grew, so I will take your advice👍
Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

#drosera #sundew #carnivorous #bugeating
Mid Summer 2017


So those guys solely live and grow from eating litte insects????😊💕

Ah, these are great little carnivorous plants too & we have some native sundews, but quite rare in their natural habitat 👌

Yes ma'am. They live in poor nutrient soil..... The nutrients in the soil kill them. And thrive on rain water or distilled or reverse osmosis water. They don't like the salts in tap water. Their main nutrition comes from the insects they catch or you feed them. 🐝🐜🐞😀💕 @terrimclaughlin

I would love to see some in their natural habitat! 💕 @jeatacake

Me too Kyla. They are usually growing on the edges if peat bogs. Not sure how far the nearest one is from where I am.

Thank you! 💞 I'll be looking for it. @cyndi

You are great! 👍😊 @cyndi
Mid Summer 2017

#carnivorous #sundew #bugeating #carnivorousplants

I see wild sundews at a refuge we bird at.🤗

that would be so awesome! 😃 @purplebird

I would love to see some wild ones! @ukjohnny
#drosera-intermedia coming out of #dormancy #newgrowth #newleaves #carnivorous #carnivorousplant #sundew #bogplant #bog #growing #growlight #indoorgarden #indoors #ledgrowlight #bugeating #bugeatingplants #insectivious