Ipomoea Alba
Tropical White Morning Glory
Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Autumn 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Ipomoea Alba
Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

#moonflower #tropicalwhitemorningglory

Looks like it's made of silk 😍

I know and It smells wonderful too! @angiecrazycatlady

Does it I didn't realise they had scent. I grew the blue one a few years ago that didn't smell. I'll have to remember to sow some of these next year 😁

Yes girl...the scent is soft and lovely! They only bloom at night so.you have to catch them blooming! Lol! 😁 @angiecrazycatlady

Awesome photo

Thank you Melissa! 😍😘 @ofthought


Way to go Kyla🤗

Thanks Michelle! I'm a little disappointed....i missed like three opening cause I went to bed. Ugh! Lol 😠😂 @purplebird

I miss mine. She's nothing but vine and leaves. There r little stray vines floating wanting to attach to the twine 😏🙄😁

Mine are starting to wither a bit....guess it got a little hot and dry....didn't water them enough.but I had several beautiful blooms....the ones I got see...lol...I missed a couple! @Acetaker
Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

#moonflower #tropicalwhitemorningglory #whitedlower #white-flower

So happy they bloomed! Absolutely intoxicating aroma isnt it??

Yes it is! I wish I could bottle it and wear it! Lol 😍 @lulubrook63
Early Autumn 2017

#moonflower #moonflowerbud #nightopening #nighttimeflower

Yea !! They open fast dont,look away😊

I have ine of these thinking it was a regular moon flower deratcha or however u spell it and it greww huge wrapping up and down its self haha its sad it wont come back next year

@rootguru13 and Kyla are y'all saving seeds as the pods dry? Mine has all but stopped blooming and given pods for next yrs blooms. Depending on where u live and where they fall,they will come back like @cyndi was saying😍

@Acetaker Mine just started blooming, so no pods yet....but yes...i am going to save them and share seeds! #seedsharing

The pods and seeds are huge..lol! I just can't wait to here them again. I'm going to put my glories and trop. glories together in front and bk yard.
Early Autumn 2017
Early Autumn 2017

#bud #moonflowerbud #moonflower #fromseed #macro #upclose
Early Autumn 2017

I'm so #sad ! I missed my #moonflower blooming.....and I was freaking awake! I just was being lazy! Ugh! I'm so mad I want to cry! Lol 😢😠😭

I know....i had completely missed one altogether....that was already shriveled....i guess it bloomed the other day. I've been going through some depression issues also and h avent been feeling it lately....but I'll back into the rhythm of things! Lol 😉😋😎😁😘 @cyndi

Thank you @cyndi and big hugs back at ya! 🤗😘 You too have a wonderful day! 😁

@cyndi I don't know why I'm not getting them...i even looked for my response back to you in my folders and could find a message to you anywhere! So weird! Do you have my right email? Punkychick1984@gmail.com 🤔😞

I'm sorry about your migraine....i know all about them! Peace and tranquility sent your way girl! ☯️☮ @cyndi

Kayla if you would email me at kfootvanilla@yahoo.com - I would like to include you in my next mailing of seeds!

Did you get my e-mail? @KariSamuel I sent it yesterday.

I didn't get it... 🤔 But I just emailed you... go see. 👀

Oh my goodness....dang old spell check! Sorry @cyndi

Punkychick1984@gmail.com is the right one @cyndi

I missed a few 9f mine opening but could enjoy the fragrance afterwards..Hehe!!
Early Summer 2017

My #moonflower I missed blooming. 😥
Smelled good too! 👃💮 @cyndi