Mandevilla sanderi syn. Dipladenia sanderi
Brazilian jasmine
Mid Autumn 2018
- 8
Late Spring 2018
- 3

Mandevilla sanderi syn. Dipladenia sanderi
Mid Autumn 2018
Late Spring 2018

#new #newplant #newtome #newhome #mandevilla #brazilianjasmine #mandelvilla-pink

Oh pretty!

Oh I really like that!
#mandelvilla-pink #fallblooms #fallflowers #autumnblooms #pink-mandevilla #pinkblooms #owl-gardenart
I love mandevilla!💘😍
Gorgeous mandelvilla with a cute owl guardian!
I do too Shelley! 💓 Next year I want to get a red one! ❤ @ShelleySnyder
Thank you Kim! The owl was Virthday present from my friend down the street. This is my second pink mandevilla. The one I had last year, inground, sad to say died because of winter weather. So this year I potted this one to bring in to overwinter. Hopefully it will survive my demon kitties! Lol 😈😼😂 I'm going to keep the owl in there so they stay protected. 👍😉💓 @kimguy
Great idea Ky. You might need a net over it too. Watch those kittiots😼🙀
Thanks @kimguy A net is a good idea too! Thanks for sharing. 💗
Welcome! I have the same problem sometimes.😽😺😸😼🙀😿