Early Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017

My large yucca plants and pop up flowers from last year that need cleaned out. At least it is green and doesn't require much care!🤗 Blooms nice too

Arch! Mine got squashed from the snow and the deer laying on it. Hope mine pops back up too😞

Well I would say it would from the snow but u get a lot of that too so it might have been as heavy as the deer. Deer can really trample vegetation. Good luck. @SikoMa
Better photo of my yucca. Comparison photo. March 2017 It looks good when it blooms.🤗
You forgot to tag me, almost missed your comment. Yes thanks @gjones it has new babies every year. So far I have just cut out the ones that die. My sister said that after a yucca plant blooms it won't again and she always cut out last year's bloomers to make room for the babies, on her plants. I never researched this so I don't know if true or not. Mom said she got funny ideas sometimes. But she always had some blooms every year.🤗