Hedera helix
- Mid Winter 2019
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- Mid Winter 2019
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#struggles #greenery #mendingplant #crystals #shells #help
Oh no! Yup. #thestruggleisreal ... Thanks for sharing. And your determination to stick with this friend over 2 years even though it hasn't visibly progressed much is commendable!
Too much light? This window gets 9 hours of indirect light. Even when my ivy was in another room (full year) it still wasn't doing well. Soil stays light semi dry mostly. This photo shows watered two days ago.
Anyone have ivy advice? Which composition of soil is best?
@LoGary definitely the perfect tag for this photo :/ And yes! I am determined to get her back to the lush lady she was lol ☆
@LoGary But the good news is, she's got new babies recently!
- Mid Winter 2019
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#englishivy #ivy #greenery #growth #greencaretaker
Heya! Have you had this for a while? I foolishly bought an engilsh ivy for growing in medium low light hanging container and it promptly withered and died on me. Curious how you're keeping this happy indoors!
Actually this photo was taken about 2 years ago. Unfortunately I'm struggling to maintain this plant now. I'll post a current one. It's honestly the plant that prompted me to dig deeper into the world of gardening so that I can grow more varieties of ivy.
Oo. I look forward to seeing it now. I understand how this would be your gateway plant. I love the way ivy looks but I don't think I have enough light (and skill!?) to keep it happy...
Oh I understand very much @LoGary!
#newgrowth #greenery #growth #greencaretaker #gardentags #englishivy #ivy #babies #green #thriving #indoor-plants @LoGary ☆☆☆☆
Never give up! 😻