Mid Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 4
Early Summer 2017
- 5
Early Summer 2017
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 1
Mid Summer 2017
- 4
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
- 4
Early Summer 2017
- 3
Early Summer 2017
- 8
Early Summer 2017
- 0
Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2016
- 1
Early Autumn 2016
- 1
Mid Autumn 2016
- 1
Mid Autumn 2016
- 6
Mid Summer 2016
- 3
Mid Summer 2016
- 2
Mid Summer 2016
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Mid Summer 2016
- 1
Mid Summer 2016
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Mid Summer 2016
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Mid Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017

Lots of new #lilies in 5 different pots started by #seed 😊

They are looking promising 👍 I wonder how long it will be before they flower? I have several African lily (Agapanthus) seedlings which are quite strong & sturdy, planted last year, which I have high hopes for 😁

Supposedly lilies can flower in 18 months, but mine are taking a little bit longer.... I love your African Lilies BTW! I definitely would like to go get some of them!😊

It would be great if you're right! 👍. You could try Agapanthus from seed too? I have some seeds from mine & am in the States for a holiday soon & more than happy to post some on while over there.

I'm sorry I forgot to reply to your very kind gesture. I appreciate your offer very much, but it's not necessary. I'm sure I can find some at some big nursery's around here. In fact it gives me a reason to go to some of them, because I've been really wanting to go. I don't really get out much, besides out here at home, since both my kids are in their low 20's now. Thanks again @jeatacake it is so sweet of you to offer.😊
Early Summer 2017

Gorgeous 😎

Refreshing 😊🤗😚

Thank you @Di007 and @gauravsh6 😊

Early Summer 2017

I wish I knew how to shrink photos to fit in the crop box. Does anyone know how to do that?🤔

Thank you Laura, I'll be sure to check that out! Thanks again!!! @columbiariver

What a fantastic color!!

Thanks so much Janice!!! @lovestogarden

Laura, @columbiariver , I am starting to use lidow, so thank you for the advice. I haven't quite figured it all out yet, but I finally can see how to crop them to fit now. I haven't added any on here with it yet, again, cuz I just figured how to do it. So thanks very much for your advice.😊
Early Summer 2017

This was a night shot of my Orange Lilies😊

They seem to look much hotter at night. Beautiful 😍

Late Summer 2017

Here's the seedpods/heads of one of my "Double Headed Lilies". I still have to cut it off yet!
Mid Summer 2017

Growing Lilies by seed in one pot, and growing tiny Lily bulbs and growing Lilies heads for seed in the other pot😁. #advice-lily #lily-seeds #advice-seeds #seeds #propagation-lilies #lily-propagation #lily

I am so glad I can finally give some kind of "new" something in regards to gardening... lol.. Which part is new to you @cyndi ? I cut the new heads off the Lily's last year, for the bulb to grow better, and then put those heads into a pot with other things, and by the end of season they were so fat and large filled with great seeds. Those seeds actually grew the Lily's that are growing by seed in the one pot now! I can't wait to see the difference in the Lily's when those ones mature.

@cyndi Yes they do take a few years to mature unless you are dividing bulbs. One matured blooming Lily will likely multiply by at least one every year, sometimes many even. Most the time all the bigger ones that multiplied will bloom that same season. Then divide again, and each one should keep reproducing another one next season that should bloom by then too! Seeds and small bulbs take a while though, but you can have hundreds by seed, or hundreds by scaling bulbs too.😊

Thank you @gjones , I will!😊
Early Summer 2017

Missing my Pink Lilies already.... This season was the first time I have ever had them fully matured and blooming by seed.
Early Summer 2017

It's almost the last of my Lilies for the season.

Thank you🌝 @columbiariver

That's a beautiful color

Thank you! @mardel
Early Summer 2017

Last opening Lily on this particular plant.

Lovely photo 💛🌿📸

Early Summer 2017


Thank you so much @Acetaker !!!

Amazing colour!!!

Thank you!!! @kaigia

#julyblooms #julybloom #julygarden #july2017 #julyshot

The sight of your lilies are breathtakingly beautiful!!!

Thank you so much @veepaisal Vanessa!

#Yellow #red #lilies
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Opened "Double Lily In One" #julyblooms #julybloom #julygarden #july2017 #julyshot
Early Summer 2017

My Orange Lilies are finally blooming as of yesterday :)

So Pretty! #asiaticlily #lily #orangeflower

Thank you so much @Acetaker
Early Summer 2017

My Pink Lilies😄. #julyblooms #julybloom #julygarden #july2017 #julyshot
Early Autumn 2016

More Huge True Lily Bulbs that are just me anyways:)
Early Autumn 2016

My HUGE TRUE LILY BULBS which are growing together in clumps of threes! I read somewhere that when you find them growing threes together like this that, that is like finding Gold... LOL. I have many more as well that are huge true lilies in red, yellow, orange, and working on getting the pink ones up and by gowing seedlings now to create some pink Big bulbs in near future as well :-)
Mid Autumn 2016

Close up photo...I have so many lily seedlings coming up right now from my own seeds I had planted. What a neat process how these seedlings grow by growing with the seed still attached to the top until it hardens off. Most of the seeds have already hardened off, but it's just fascinating to see the whole start to finish. #proud
Mid Autumn 2016

Growing my seeds from the lilies I had grown are doing well, so far anyways. This is my first time growing lilies from seeds so if anybody has any advice I'd love to hear what to do with these seedlings when the frost hits. Right now they're on the shelf by the window in my garage right now.

@PlantDoctor do you have any advice? If you look at my other lilies, these seedlings are from those seeds. I have hundreds and hundreds of seeds now. I also have many lilies and bulbs. I really would like to start selling actual raised lilies to local farmers markets and some other local smaller locations because they are just beautiful, and I have so many. I would also like to sell seeds, and bulbs of these lilies too. I just don't know how to go about storing, and shipping safely. ???

@usgardentags do you have any advice? If you look at my other lilies, these seedlings are from those seeds. I have hundreds and hundreds of seeds now. I also have many lilies and bulbs. I really would like to start selling actual raised lilies to local farmers markets and some other local smaller locations because they are just beautiful, and I have so many. I would also like to sell seeds, and bulbs of these lilies too. I just don't know how to go about storing, and shipping

@PlantDoctor @usgardentags if you have any suggestions or if you know of the right connections to anyone who would know or be interested, I would really appreciate it. I have a few different ones than just on my other photos under plants of lilies as well. I really want to create even bigger lily gardens than I have now. Do either of you think it's profitable and worth it? Thank you in advance :)

@rachellescott drop us a line at !

@usgardentags do you mean to just talk with michael? Oh, I really want to do this. It's become so much more than just a hobby :) These lilies and even some of my other plants are like my babies now that my kids are in college and I retired early.
Mid Summer 2016

#red inspiration Lilie

@rachellescott WOW!😮 This color is Stunning! 😍

#red #lilies
Mid Summer 2016

My favorite flower is a Lilie. I actually tried to take just the right photo to blow up and put on canvas for wall art. I have a ton of photos of my lily's trying to pick the right one. I may use this one, after I tone it down a little I think???

#lily #Yellow
Mid Summer 2016

More Photos of my lilies

#plantID-lily #yellow #lily

#Yellow #lilies #red
Mid Summer 2016

More Photos of my lilies
Mid Summer 2016

More Photos of my lilies

#lilies #Yellow
Mid Summer 2016


#Yellow #lilies
When they were in bloom😊 #stillsummer
#red #lilies
Thank you @cyndi and @ukjohnny !!!😊