Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Group Yellow'
Hollyhock 'Chater's Double Group Yellow'
Mid Summer 2018
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Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double Group Yellow'
Mid Summer 2018
Morning everyone. My #hollyhocks are in flower and look nice. I do think this might be their last year though as the rust has been terrible again and I’d rather replace them with something for the pollinators 🐝🐞
Morning Richard, I had these a couple of years ago and they were beautiful, but I had the same problem with rust, so I gave up, the leaves looked terrible even though I treated them 💛💛
I had the same problem with mine, the first season they looked beautiful and then they just did not make it so will be replacing them
This is the second year running and the leaves are awful, I have to say I’m surprised they have even flowered as there are hardly any leaves left. @pelly @evelynhalsall
It’s such a shame as they are so beautiful Richard @evelynhalsall 😟😟
Morning Richard. That's a shame but I can relate to the rust issue ....mine haven't been as bad this year fortunately 👋😊
Morning Richard, looking forward to seeing what you may replace them with, @rbetts25
I got rid of mine for the very same reason. And I was so careful not to water the leaves as well! Such as shame as I love the flowers 😏
They are very pretty Rachel, although I’m not a great fan of doubles generally. I think it is so hard to avoid rust that it’s easier just to replace them. @rachelbrooks
I bought some bulbs from Lowe’s home and garden center..( I live in the Deep South of hot humid Alabama😉!) I have never seen these around this area so wondering what my best chance of successful planting will be! In a container no doubt.. I’m doing my research.
Hello Richard. One of my favourite plant. I grow them in my garden but i find it difficult to avoid rust and also a sort of small beatle that feeds on them. I think double varieties are even weaker than single ones.
From what I have read Vanessa, hollyhocks should do fine where you are but are likely to be short lived due to the heat maybe blooming may/June. You can try pots, the inly@issue is that these can grow 6-7 ft and will need to be supported. I have also read that a variety called French hollyhocks are quite successful in and around Alabama! @mizv2U