Ipomoea turbinata
Early Spring 2019
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Late Winter 2019
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Late Winter 2019
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Mid Winter 2019
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Mid Autumn 2018
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Mid Autumn 2018
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Mid Autumn 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Late Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Mid Summer 2018
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Early Summer 2018
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Late Spring 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Mid Spring 2018
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Mid Spring 2018
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Ipomoea turbinata
Early Spring 2019
Late Winter 2019

3/08/19 Rest In Peace momma #moonflower (you can see her dried tendrils still clinging to the trellis). The new generation remembers you as it takes you in for its own growth. #grownfromseed #vining #moonflowers
Late Winter 2019

2/24/19 hey babes you look great ❤️ #moonflower #ipomoea #nightblooming #seedling #grownfromseed #vining #moonflowers
Mid Winter 2019

02/08/19 my dear sweet #moonflower held on for so long!!! I got it down to one squiggly branch and put new seeds in with new soil. Then as the new seeds grew, my momma let go. Idk if it’s odd to hold such sentiment about plants, but it’s so representative of the cycle of nature, of the triple goddess, of parental sacrifice, whatever you want to see you know? My garden is my happy place #grownfromseed
Mid Autumn 2018

11/14/18 momma #moonflower is doing better and better glad I was able to get out and water today. I never picked off #flowerbuds so they’re doing their thing. That’s fine by me. Two tiny #flowers forming #nightblooming #moonflowerbuds
Mid Autumn 2018

10/27/18 another #sleepylizard on my momma #moonflower #lizard #lizards #wildlife #night #nighttime

Took me a minute to see it.
Mid Autumn 2018

10/27/18 momma #moonflower showing great improvement despite two transplants, a move, being knocked over from the hurricane, and being sunburned. She has #newgrowth including no less than three #flowerbuds ! She is always trying to bloom too many though, and I may pick them off to encourage her foliage to perk up more. #moonflowerbuds #nightblooming #flowerbud #vine #vining #ipomoea
Early Autumn 2018

10/10/18 poor momma. I’m not getting hit directly by the #hurricane but we have strong winds and some rain and my poor #moonflower can’t catch a break. She got knocked over and spilled out and so I moved her in hopes she stays up...
Late Summer 2018

9/15/18 moving day, and plant one of two to be uprooted from the earth... two transplants in as many months poor thing #moonflower #transplant #nightblooming
Late Summer 2018

9/7/18 #moonflower #recovering from #transplantshock but it’s too bad I have to dig them up again because of our move... fml #nightblooming #vining #moonflowervine
Late Summer 2018

8/21/18 for now this will be my only #moonflower listed because they were both so stressed from heat I moved them into the ground in the last shaded spot I have. So many flower buds, but three have already tried to bloom and fail. Dammit Florida it’s too hot.. #moonflowers #grownfromseed #nightblooming #white #whiteflower #toohot #newtrellis
Mid Summer 2018

8/10/18 she didn’t bloom 😒😒 it looks like something started messing with her ugh

What do you think is doing the messing?

@kamaki not sure, but the flower bud looked great and should have bloomed that night. I forgot to check and the next morning it had the brownish folds I tried to capture here. It looked nibbled on and super wet. Idk. But it’s okay tons more buds!

That's good there are tons of buds. If you see the critters doing the nibbling, I'd buy a repellent..
Mid Summer 2018

8/9/18 momma #moonflower will #bloom tonight! #flowerbud #flowering #nightblooming #whiteflower

I had moonflowers years ago! They had a fabulous scent

@cyndi if you look through here (it may even be my other moonflower listed) I have picture of it’s seeds as well
Mid Summer 2018

8/8/18 momma #moonflower wasn’t looking too good and I wasn’t sure why until I had time to actually garden. There’s easily 10-20 #flowerbuds .. such #largeflowers take a lot of energy! I might nip some off... #nightblooming
Mid Summer 2018

8/8/18 momma #moonflower will bloom soon! #nightblooming #flowerbud
Mid Summer 2018

7/29/18 three #flowerbuds on momma #moonflower the twin buds are adorable but based on color I wonder if they’ll make it. Last time she flowered only two buds survived and one struggled to grow until the first bloomed. Then only the first flower managed to pollinate and seed. Ah well the two photos on the right show the super healthy looking bud I can’t wait for more flowers #moonflowerflowerbuds #grownfromseed #ipomoeaturbinata #newgrowth
Mid Summer 2018

7/24/18 momma #moonflower has two flower buds ! 🌸🙌🏼 #grownfromseed #nightblooming #ipomoeaturbinata
Early Summer 2018

And there’s some new growth on mama moonflower too!! I keep having to pick flower buds off because I want a nice full trellis. That vine sticking out at the top is promising ☺️ #moonflower #parentplant #grownfromseed #nocturnalflower #nighttimeflower
Late Spring 2018

My #moonflowerseeds #germinating they look good. Wondering where to plant though. Parent plant is in a pot, but I don’t want to overcrowd.. hmm.. #moonflower #grownfromseed

I also just updated the encyclopedia link on these as they added moonflower instead of just tropical white morning glory. Pictures of moo flowers was on that tag, but seeing the legitimate one I wanted to fix it. Also I see the actual scientific name so that’s good to know! 👍🏼
Late Spring 2018

Only took five days to germinate to this point!!! 😍😍 I traded in the paper towel and bag, and I placed these babies into an egg carton with some soil. I’m ready for more #moonflowers #moonflowerseed #growing #germinating #grownfromseed #ipomoeaturbinata
Late Spring 2018

I’m a grandmother lol Only took three days! #seed-starting #moonflower #moonflowerseed #ipomoeaturbinata
Late Spring 2018

My #moonflowerseedpod dried! I had a piece of nylon tied around it, and this morning when I checked the pod was crinkly and rattling! I plucked the pod off the vine and look! #seeds ! Everything I read says #moonflowers make several seeds in each pocket of the pod. Mine worked for months on this ONE pod and made only three seeds. I don’t know what that means, but I’m happy either way. Yay! Wonder if I’m gonna store them or try to grow them ASAP hmmm #moonflowerseed #moonflower #nightblooming

@redmomma Haley. Welcome to GT! It is a pleasure to have another plant lover to share pics and stories. I am confident you will find lots of wonderful fellow gardeners here and inspiration, as I have. Thank you for following my posts and Happy gardening!

@cyndi yes but brown now
Late Spring 2018

How long does it take for the #seedpod to mature and dry? I want to get the #seeds but it shows no signs of wanting to dry. It’s only just recently kinda turned yellowish. Should I cut it and dry it inside, or just let nature do its thing and place a nylon sock on if it ever turns brown? I want more #moonflowers . Also my plant refuses to make more flowers because it’s putting everything towards this pod. Help? #flower #flower-help #moonflower #moonflowerseed #moonflowerseedpod

It’s also in a right state because I was trying to find it the perfect spot in the middle of all that rain we had. There was one week where in the middle of the day it’d get hot as hell, but would rain the rest of the day. This guy didn’t like that. Since then I’ve been trying to perk it back up. Notice the leaves’ color and shape. They are happier than they were, but still a work in progress to get in tip top shape.
Mid Spring 2018

The seed my moonflower has been working on 😱 #moonflower #ipomoeaturbinata #moonflowerseed
4/8/19 #moonflower has #flowerbuds ! Woo!! Can’t wait for this beauty again! #nightblooming #grownfromseed
I love these😍