- Late Winter 2017
- 10
- 1
- Early Autumn 2016
- 22
- 1
- Mid Spring 2016
- 0
- 1
- Mid Spring 2016
- 0
- 1
- Late Winter 2017
- 10
- Early Autumn 2016
- 22
Helleborus orientalis hybrid in flower! Photographed today, 11 Sept 2016, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. I was really surprised to come across this 2/3yr old potted hybrid, which I bred, in flower in the garden today. None of my other Hellebores are showing any signs of wanting to flower, so I'll take this as an unexpected garden bonus! 😀 #helleborus #hybrid #floweringoutofseason #greenandpink
- Mid Spring 2016
- 0
Hellebore orientalis hybrid
- Mid Spring 2016
- 0
Hellebore orientalis hybrid
Helleborus orientalis hybrid. Photographed 17 Mar 2017 at Reedie Cottage Garden, East Scotland. A lovely delicately coloured hybrid, mixed in amongst various other hybrids in one of my large Hellebore beds. #helleborus #orientalis #hybrid