Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation'
Lilac 'Sensation'
Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation'
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation'. Photographed today, 3 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. This is a deciduous shrub with a relatively loose habit. In late Spring/early Summer, it flowers with conical panicles of small, highly fragrant, unusual red-purple flowers, each edged in white. Wonderful shrub, down by the pond in "The Secret Garden". On a hot sunny day, the scent fills the garden! #syringa #sensation #scentedflowers #thesecretgarden #reediecottagegarden
Early Summer 2017

Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation'. Photographed today, 28 May 2017. Close up of this highly scented lilac. Love the pink, edged white, individual blossoms, that cluster together, to make stunning flower spikes. This year, due to the amazing weather we've had, it has flowered earlier than usual. This large shrub/small tree is covered in spikes of the sweet scented blooms. #syringa #sensation #lilac #pink #white-edged #fragrant #reediecottagegarden
Syringa vulgaris 'Sensation'. Photographed yesterday, 4 June 2017, at Reedie Cottage Gardens, East Scotland. You've got to love this shrub. The colour, individual flower shape, and the amazing intense scent of this liac, just blows you away. Looks great from a distance, but so much better close up. #syringa #sensation #lilac #fragrance #purpleandwhiteflowers #reediecottagegarden
Wow, that's a stunner 💜
#bicolour #bicolourlilac
Lovely 💜💜💜
Those petals are amazing...great pic