Canna 'Stuttgart'
Canna 'Stuttgart'
- Mid Summer 2020
- 67
- 6
- Early Autumn 2016
- 42
- 6
- Early Spring 2016
- 33
- 12
Canna 'Stuttgart'
- Mid Summer 2020
- 67
- Early Autumn 2016
- 42
One of the new Canna's I got this year is coming on nicely. May not look much at the moment but a long term investment 😬.
@vec - here you go 👍🏼
Ooh just had a read up on stuttgarts. Very nice ... dare I add it on to my wishlist.... Yes why the hell not 😀😀😀
I'm sure it will reward you in time 😍
@vec Haha surprised you haven't got it already 😋
Not yet ...... 😁 @wesleybrian
- Early Spring 2016
- 33
I'm trying another Canna - I bought this after seeing them being grown at RHS Wisley. The picture on the front shows a nice variegation in the leaf. But after doing a bit of reading it seems a lot of people have problems with the the leaves turning brown on edges - poss due to sun scorch because of the variegation (but not proven). Well, I've already bought it now so no harm in trying it. But will plant it in a shady spot which only gets a couple of hours sun, and quite moist soil.
Actually planted this before last weekend - 15th March
#canna #variegated #myhand
I don't seem to have been able to grow Canna's. They leaf but never flower. Is there a trick to getting these to flower?
#advice #tip
How long have you had it @laura ? It took three years before my first one flowered, which was only last year. The may start this year as they have now developed a good clump. I dig them up and keep them in a frost free place over winter. Need to be kept moist too. Most prefer full sun, although I read that a number of variegated ones prefer partial shade. And regular feeding is important too. I fed mine about once every 2-3 weeks during main summer season.
There's a very good nursery that I once had a long chat with - they have some advice pages if that helps. I'll cut and paste link below @laura 👍🏼
Hart Cannas - @laura -
Love cannas.
Did you have any luck with this Canna Rich ?
Hey Julie 😊👋🏼 - apologies for late reply. Yep, it's done ok in its first year. Wasn't expecting much other than to increase in size. Flowers hopefully in a couple of years. Seems to love its partial shady spot though and no sign of scorch (although no sign of variegation either 😂 - maybe it will be more noticeable next year) - I've just put up a pic for you @vec
Thank you Rich. I appreciate the new photo and information ☺
Canna 'Stuttgart' - this is the only Canna I had left after throwing away tons last year due to virus. Fortunately this one never caught it, however this variety has this unfortunate habit of getting leaf scorch, no matter how much you protect it from the sun. This ones in full shade and it still gets crispy edges. At least it’s not too much, and it has still flowered 👍🏼 #foliagefriday #canna #cannastuttgart
The flower is a very pretty colour, Rich 🧡 All of mine are doing well although Cleopatra is all leaf and no flower 😢 It’s been fed and watered the same as the others but no sign of a bud. It may still happen so I haven’t given up on it yet 🤣🤣😘
That really sucks Richard, what did they all have?
Beautiful specimen all around. @richard.spicer.7906
They all had Canna virus unfortunately Tina 😞, which is passed on through Aphids. They get lots of streaks and mottling - bit like a mosaic virus, think it’s very similar. Apologies for only just responding @tinaaune
Thanks @rudester1 😊👍🏼