04/08/19 - needs a bit of a comb, but blue fescue, grown from seed a couple of years ago at college. Putting on a nice size, has flowered but don’t seem to have taken any pics of them #festuca #festucaglauca #festuca-glauca #bluefescue
Has it got plenty of drainage Lin? Should be ok providing it does get too wet. Combing is the technique to get rid of the old foliage. You wouldn’t normally cut this grass back like with other grasses, and instead you comb out the dead brown blades 👍🏼 @linfoster
04/08/19 - needs a bit of a comb, but blue fescue, grown from seed a couple of years ago at college. Putting on a nice size, has flowered but don’t seem to have taken any pics of them #festuca #festucaglauca #festuca-glauca #bluefescue
Looks healthier than mine 🤗
Mine desperately needs a comb. I’m useless at doing it though. I need to invent an actual grass comb 😂😂
I’ll lend you mine Lexi 🤣 I normally use me fingers, but always end up getting the secateurs out in the end @lexijane
Has it got plenty of drainage Lin? Should be ok providing it does get too wet. Combing is the technique to get rid of the old foliage. You wouldn’t normally cut this grass back like with other grasses, and instead you comb out the dead brown blades 👍🏼 @linfoster