06/05/19 - found this photo on my phone from a month ago, all my fritillaries are in a nursery bed at the back of garden and this popped up showing classic sign of fasciation on the stem, which is dead flat, from either a genetic mutation or damage, and as result it causes mass over production of flowers and foliage at the top of the stem! This is not how it normally looks, but it’s also not disappointing either 😄👌🏼 #crownimperial #fritillariaimperialisstripedbeauty #fritillariaimperialis
One more new one, 'Striped Beauty' - really hope the bulb supplier got this order right as the flowers look lovely. Yellow with a slight orange stripe. I'll add to the database later #fritillary #fritillaria-imperialis #fritillariaimperialisstripedbeauty #crownimperial
06/05/19 - found this photo on my phone from a month ago, all my fritillaries are in a nursery bed at the back of garden and this popped up showing classic sign of fasciation on the stem, which is dead flat, from either a genetic mutation or damage, and as result it causes mass over production of flowers and foliage at the top of the stem! This is not how it normally looks, but it’s also not disappointing either 😄👌🏼 #crownimperial #fritillariaimperialisstripedbeauty #fritillariaimperialis
#fritillary #fritillaria-imperialis #fasciation
Oh that’s a lovely one Rich 🧡😍
Lovely color!
One for today’s #stunning hashtag surely!
Love seeing a bit of fasciation, often brings unusual results!
That's a pretty one 💛💛