Fritillaria michailovskyi
Michailovski Fritillary
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Late Winter 2018
- 4
Early Spring 2017
- 14
Early Spring 2017
- 7
Early Autumn 2016
- 6
Mid Spring 2016
- 16
Mid Autumn 2015
- 10

Fritillaria michailovskyi
Early Autumn 2018
Late Winter 2018

I do hope all these are ok under the snow - I’m sure they will be fine. On Friday, I spotted these were almost ready Fritillaria michailovskyi, having its second year now 😊 #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-michailovskyi

That's beautiful Rich 😍 I know dam snow😬 all my Tulips were up and now they're down 😩 @richard.spicer.7906 haven't forgotten you btw 😁 plants still here... waiting tut

On the wish list for next year Richard

Ah, thanks @cazz47 , no worries. Fingers crossed that spring is finally on the way 😄🤞🏼
Early Spring 2017

Fritillaria michailovskyi - third time lucky in getting these to bloom 😊 #fritillaria #fritillary #fritillaria-michailovskyi

Lovely 👏👏💞💞

Ooh pretty 🌸🌸

Haven't seen this one before, it's a beauty 😍

Lov-er-ly!!! 😍😍😍

Impressive. If at first ...

Such pretty flowers 😍😍

Lovely Richard, mine have disappeared 😕

Beautiful never seen that colour before

Those are gorgeous!

Another one for my wishlist! 😀

@richard.spicer7906 Hey Richard. Long time no see. Where've you been hiding...?! Hope all's well with you. 😊
Early Spring 2017

This is the third time I've tried to grow his Fritillary, and I think I've finally cracked it! Almost every bulb has come up 😀🙌🏼 - I soaked them in water for 24 hours this time before I planted them to rehydrate them a little and I think that might have done the trick.

#fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-michailovskyi

Thanks for sharing your tip, Rich, good to know! 😃
Have never seen these before, love them!

Love these 😍😍😍

💞beautiful 💞

Really nice 👍👍
Early Autumn 2016

er...... and more #bulbs 😳🙈 #fritillaria #plantaholic #fritillary #fritillaria-michailovskyi #michailovskifritillary

This is actually my third attempt for these. Last year was a failure, and not entirely sure why but I may have planted them too late and they may have got too dehydrated before planting. Fingers crossed these will succeed.

Really nice but I am quite reluctant to plant any fritillaria bulbs now. Last winter all 40 (except one) were eaten by mice, squirrels or other small animal 😤Will try just a few snake head fritilarias under a glass this year 😉 Hopefully your's will be safe 🙏

@gjones 😀🙌🏼 - hope yours come up as I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for mine. They always look very pretty in the pictures in books.

@7walnutclose 😱 oh that's such a shame Robert - they are little pests. I lost a few crocus bulbs from my pots last year due to mice and had to replace them this autumn. After they have finished flowering I'm going to buy some cheap wire mesh to wrap over the pots I think to keep them safe. Good luck with the ones you've got under glass, sure they will look great 👌🏼😊

They will go everywhere just to get the tasty bulbs 🐁 My pots were wrapped up with the green plastic mesh, but they bit through and still ate the bulbs. Thank you and also a good luck with yours Richard! 👍
Mid Spring 2016

Well, I've had some first time fritillary successes so far this year, but unfortunately I've also had some failures. I'm pretty sure I should have seen these in flower by now, but as you can see these didn't surface. Anyone had any luck growing these? Mine were in a pot, in partial shade 🤔 #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-michailovskyi #michailovskifritillary

Maybe a duff bulb or a slow starter @richard.spicer.7906 🤓

Doesn't look too hopeful but isn't their flowering period from early summer Richard? Maybe t here is still time🤔


Awe well I guess you can't win em all Rich 😔 my bishop dahlias seem to have disappeared too... Hey ho

Put an alarm clock next to it and set it off so it wakes up? In all seriousness, that sucks. 😕my cyclamen did that.

We used to grow these at the nursery I worked at, just potted in a normal multipurpose (although mixed on site) compost with added grit. I seem to remember that success rates were very varied, so much so that we had to start potting an extra bulb in each pot to ensure enough came up for selling! Don't feel bad 😥

Oh maybe @kathy , I think I assumed they were a little earlier as a planted in the autumn, but yes a couple of web sources say May to June. Thought I might have seen some foliage though.

Thanks @tash74 😊 - sounds like similar to how I potted them up. Not to worry if they don't come, I can always try again next year. Out of curiosity, what time of year roughly did you start to see them come through? I might scrape away some of the gravel and soil and see what condition the bulb is in 🤔

It's a bit pants @MelanieAt , but sometimes these things happen with no apparent reason. Of course it could be like me and just late for everything 😂 so maybe I will try that alarm clock....

@Justin 😱 oh no, sorry to hear about the Bishop dahlias not showing. Maybe it will make a sudden appearance later in the month. If I recall I didn't see mine come through till mid June last year 🤔 although I planted them quite late.
Mid Autumn 2015

Last one for tonight. This is another Fritillary, a lovely maroon and yellow variety. The bulbs look very similar to the Snakeshead Fritillary in the previous photo, and actually this one better illustrates the growing tip coming up through the centre. They can be planted about 8cm deep, and they like full sun #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-michailovskyi #michailovskifritillary

Got some of these in the sale too fingers crossed!

Love these 😍

When it says on bulbs plant a certain depth is that the tip or the root ?

They are so pretty love the nodding heads

Great tips Richard 👏👏👏

Food for thought thank you Richard 👏👏

Hi @RayB - that's a good question and I think it would typically be from the tip. I reckon most instructions though have factored in a little flexibility and usual rule of thumb is around 3 times the depth of the bulb. If you are a cm or so out then I don't think it can do any harm. But be aware as some bulbs are quite specific and may not like being planted quite as deep or shallow. So always best to check instructions, and also compare to web notes too 👍🏼

Planted 20th October

Trying also on a smaller Fritillaria bulb as they can vary in size. The bigger scaly bulbs like Lilium and Fritillaria imperialis have obvious scales but on smaller ones like Fritillaria meleagris or this one Fritillaria michailovskyi all I can try is snapping the two main bits apart 😮 - it’s an experiment, so let’s see 👍🏼 #bulb #bulb-propagation #bulb-scaling #fritillary #fritillaria #fritillaria-michailovskyi
Afternoon Richard @richard.spicer.7906 sounds an interesting experiment, keep us updated on the results 👍