Gladiolus murielae syn. Acidanthera bicolor, Acidanthera bicolor 'Murielae', Acidanthera murielae, Gladiolus bicolor 'Murielae', Gladiolus callianthus, Gladiolus callianthus 'Murielae', Gladiolus 'Murieliae'
Gladioli (Species) Abyssinian Gladiolus
Mid Winter 2018
- 2
Late Summer 2016
- 31
Early Summer 2016
- 8
Late Winter 2016
- 20

Gladiolus murielae syn. Acidanthera bicolor, Acidanthera bicolor 'Murielae', Acidanthera murielae, Gladiolus bicolor 'Murielae', Gladiolus callianthus, Gladiolus callianthus 'Murielae', Gladiolus 'Murieliae'
Mid Winter 2018
Late Summer 2016

These have just come to an end, but they put on a fantastic display. Very pleased with the results 👍🏼 #gladiolusmurielae #gladiolus #peacock-gladiolus #abyssiniangladiolus

I also have this Richard, bought it at tatton park this year and it's flowered from day one and I still have buds..can't believe how long it's gone on and how beautiful it is 😊😊

I'm still waiting for mine one is about to pop I'm not sure the others will this year I didn't expect them until next year to I'm very pleased I have one on its way 😊 they are awesome

Beautiful 💜

Gorgeous Rich 😍

Absolutely beautiful👍 Have planted quite a few myself, but unfortunately none flowered... something to look forward to next summer 🙏

Beautiful 💗

It looks like a really stunning plant so pretty 👌

I put loads of these in but forgot the name. Now I know. Just pulled them out but will replant in another part of garden and see what happens.

#abyssiniangladiolus #gladiolus #white

Any tips on how to get them to repeat flower as well as they have done this year. Not had much success previously

It's my first year growing them @dragonsglen , but if I recall they can be a little tender so may be best to lift and store them over winter as a cold winter might wipe them out. As mine are in a pot I'm probably going to just move them in situ into the shed. I might refresh the top layer of soil in spring too. Importantly don't water them over winter to avoid rotting.
Early Summer 2016

These are coming on nicely now 😊 #gladiolusmurielae #gladiolus #peacock-gladiolus #abyssiniangladiolus

Looking lush 😀

Wow! Yours are enormous! What on earth have you been feeding them?

First time I've grown them mine are still quite small anything above 18" then bends over so I have to steak them I must be doing something wrong!!
I've never had any luck with gladiolus, must be doing something wrong, and they are one of my favourite flowers.

Looked at them in the GT encyclopaedia the flowers are beautiful

Same problem @clustyroen, maybe unsuitable soil/conditions?

Growing mine in a pots too, but wasn't sure if that's the right thing to do, but I feel reassured it was good decision seeing yous Richard. Thanks for posting and waiting for flowering ones :-)
Late Winter 2016

Trying some of these this year in pots. Planted 5th March 2016 #bulb #gladiolusmurielae #gladiolus #peacock-gladiolus #abyssiniangladiolus

#pots #terracotta


Sounds very exotic 🤔

Yay Richard are you going to do some more tutorials for us amateurs please 😍😍

Nah, not too exotic, although very pretty - and has a could scent too 👃🏼🤓 @debs69

Doh! I meant 'good scent'

Of course 😀, preparing something at the mo that Val asked for - how to take cuttings of winter jasmine (or other similar plants) using the layering technique. Will post it at the wkd 🤓 @fuschia

Lovely flowers but didn't know they were scented, double lovely👌🏻🙂

Indeed Kathy! 😄 tried growing these before but only lasted one year. So I thought I'd try in pots. Intend to keep them in here for two or three years. So need a good quality compost which will provide sufficient nutrients for that period. After a bit of reading, these do well in a loam based compost mixed with grit. @kathy @fuschia @debs69

Used a John innes number 3 compost, mixed with a bit or normal compost and a couple of handfuls of grit. Sarah Raven has a great guide on planting certain bulbs/plants in pots. Link below 👍🏼 @kathy @fuschia @debs69
My baby peacock gladioli bulblets, dying down naturally (also known as the Abyssinian Gladioli). Should be flowering size in about another 2 years I think 👌🏼 #overwinter-gladioli #gladiolusmurielae #gladiolus #peacock-gladiolus #abyssiniangladiolus #wintercheck
Yes, that’s the one! I think this one seems to constantly change names 😅 @gjones