Hedychium gardnerianum
Mid Winter 2021
Mid Winter 2020

Oh wow! I planted this last spring and it never appeared, forgot about the pot completely! It was a huge rhizome i cut into three bits, each with an eye, and then wrapped the pot in clingfilm to keep it moist and warm. Noticed the film had torn and forgot it was even there, had assumed it had died but clearly not! 😄👏🏼👏🏼 #hedychium #hedychiumgardnerianum #hedychium-gardnerianum #kahiliginger #kahliginger

What a great surprise 😊👍

How cool is that little surprise?!

Delighted Angie! I’ve another two pots next to it, although no sign of life there yet. But I’m more optimistic something might be happening. Will explore them in spring if nothing as come up by March. Hope I can get this guy through the next couple of months if it turns colder @angiie

I’m surprised it was alive for so long underground with no foliage last year Jane! But I guess it was fine. Can’t wait to see how it develops, I’ve never grown ginger before but I’ve seen other tropical lovers try it @pelly

I know right? 😄😄 am glad it showed itself now as I was planning to buy another one in a couple of weeks and try again, can save my pennies now for a different plant 🤣 @lesliecole49

It’s mega awesome Cyndi 🙏🏼, although the trick is can I now grow it on successfully 😅 I’ll change the soil in a couple of months as the temps warm up cause I give it some feed, I think they are hungry plants from what I read @cyndi

I bought one last year, it didn't flower so I'm hoping for better this year. I noticed the rhizome isn't showing on your pic, I understood that the top of it should be showing? Any advice would be welcome Rich 🤔👍

Oh, I didn’t know that Jane, thanks 😊👍🏼 I’ll have to go read up, normally I spot stuff like that when I’m reading at the time of planting but perhaps I missed it. Prob explains why it’s taken so long 🤣 I do recall that it needed to be warmed and humid, so i lightly watered the soil so it was damp, left it a day or so to drain properly then wrapped it in clingfilm and shoved it under the staging in the polytunnel for summer. @pelly

I've double checked and it's right Rich, plant to half way up the rhizome, apparently that how they grow naturally. It makes a change for me to be able to help you rather than the other way round!! 👍😂

Aw thank you Jane 😙 i still learn new things everyday on here! 😆 I think I will reposition it when I pot them up in a few weeks, maybe the others might pop up by then too @pelly

Thank you Angie 😄👍🏼 will keep you posted @angiie
This hasn’t stopped growing and hasn’t lost its foliage. As this is my first time growing them, are these normally evergreen? The minus temps in the tunnel hasn’t phased it at all 😲 - but keeping it on the dry side till spring. Looking forward to seeing how it grows this year #kahliginger #hedychium #hedychium-gardnerianum #hedychiumgardnerianum
Mine aren't as far on as yours Richard but like yours have just stayed as they are. They were really slow growing last year so maybe it will give them a head start?
Yes, it has been extremely slow Sue. This appeared pretty much a year ago and this is all it had grown in a year. Still no significant amount of root on it, just the rhizome itself so always worried it will just die 🤦🏼♂️ fingers crossed that both of ours grow well this year 🤞🏼🤞🏼 @churchfarmgarden
At least we're having the same experience with rhem Richard, hope the eventual flowers will be worth it @richard.spicer.7906