Hippeastrum (Galaxy Group) 'Minerva'
Hippeastrum 'Minerva'
Mid Summer 2020
- 6
Late Summer 2018
- 11
Late Spring 2018
- 15
Late Spring 2018
- 14
Late Spring 2018
- 3
Late Spring 2018
- 4

Hippeastrum (Galaxy Group) 'Minerva'
Mid Summer 2020
Late Summer 2018

Update on my #hippeastrum seedlings. Front tray was first batch sown, then back tray was down about a month later so not quite as advanced. Had a bit of a problem with the latter as I forgot to put the shower cap over the tray to keep the humidity in and I lost a few seedlings. But plenty still there - hopefully looking good Judy 😊 @ripjuju #amaryllis #hippeastrum-seed #hippeastrum-advice #seedling #challengeyourself


Just wondering how your agapanthus seedling you did a couple of years back turned out, I had a flower on one of mine for the first time, I’m going to stick mine back in the greenhouse for the winter as they are still very spindly.

That's brilliant Rich 👍 It'll be interesting to see how fast they grow next year.

Amazing aren't they @jyotu - I never thought to grow them by seed, very easy too

They are coming on well, I lost one this year unfortunately - had some problems with rotting but I blame my polytunnel for that. The others have been repotted up into larger pots, only 2 have flowered for the first time this year but I'm hopeful next year they will all be big enough to flower. Still in terracotta pots too @lisa868

Trick is to not let them go dormant yet, they are too small so I've been keeping them watered and will carry on through winter. Then next year they might be big enough to force dormancy @jeatacake

It seems hard but its very easy @richard.spicer.7906

@richard.spicer.7906 looking good. Like to see the children growing nicely. 😉

@richard.spicer7906 So how are the little seedlings hope they are doing well. Would love an update.

Hi Judy 😄 hope you are well. Little babies are all doing well. Have given them a recent feed, decided to not let them go dormant and some have now got a little bigger. Still just two leaves on most of them. No new losses since the last post which is good 😊👍🏼 @ripjuju
Late Spring 2018

And today - 9th June 2018, all potted up and developing into little baby amaryllis bulbs, I’ve been keeping them all very lightly moist but have plenty of sand and grit mixed into the potting mix to keep it light and airy 👍🏼 #hippeastrum #amaryllis #hippeastrum-seed #hippeastrum-advice #seedling

@richard.spicer.7906 looking good!

So cool! Thanks for sharing all your pics as really interesting to see how they’ve progressed 👍🏼

Brilliant, good luck 🙏👍👍

Well done Richard! Not easy I’m sure


Ooh well done you. You have been busy 🐝🐝

So how you getting bulbs. Are they division from existing plants

Bad choice of my original word, ‘bulblets’ @gauravsh6 - I meant bulb - changed it now. As the seedling grows it starts to develop its reserve organs below the soil to form the bulb. You can get offsets too from bulbs but I wanted to try them from seed too 👍🏼

Great results Rich 👌 Just need a good bit of patience now to see them flower.

Indeed Jeff - could be a few years before I see them flower but that’s fine, I’m a patient man 👍🏼😊 @jeatacake

No probs @AlisaJ -as they develop I’ll post updates 😊
Late Spring 2018

28th May 2018 - results of first tranche. Kept back half of them just to be safe in case I wanted to try another method. Amaryllis sprouts!! 👍🏼😀 #amaryllis #hippeastrum #hippeastrum-seed #hippeastrum-advice #seeds @ripjuju

Well done.

Woo hoo 🌹🌺🌱🌱

Keep us informed. Looks really exciting!

Wow fingers crossed 🤞



Brilliant good luck ,keep us up to date x

Exciting to follow the process! Good luck, looks good 💪

Thanks @mattiebe 👍🏼 - fingers crossed i can keep them going

Thanks everyone, will post updates later in the year 😊👍🏼 @ripjuju @valjones-hughes @godfreye @kathy @fuschia @cheshire @moorna

Apologies, I think I lost your comment on this one last night as I accidentally had to repost the original photo, but don’t worry I read it in my notifications - thank you 🙏🏼 @cyndi
Late Spring 2018

6th May 2018 - did some research, and on YouTube there is a guy called "The Amaryllis Man', and he's passionate about.... yep you guessed it - Amaryllis! His advice for the best technique to germinate #hippeastrum #seeds is to simply float them on water and leave them to sprout for a couple of weeks - so that's precisely what I did ☺️ #hippeastrum-advice #hippeastrum-seed #amaryllis @ripjuju

Oh wow !

Thanks Cyndi! Definitely worth trying, it’s easier than I thought it would be @cyndi
Late Spring 2018

A bit late in posting, not been around much lately, but would like to thank Judy @ripjuju for sending me these #hippeastrum seeds back in late April to try. I'm always looking to challenge myself in new skills, and have had positive success (pics to follow) - thank you so much Judy 😊🙏🏼 #gtfriendsrock #challengeyourself #seeds #igotmail #amaryllis

Were these from your Minerva/Star of Holland bulbs Judy or a different variety? @ripjuju

@richard.spicer.7906 I believe so. Yes, I'm trying to picture them on the stem I'm fairly certain they are. ☺ you're welcome.

Ah, thanks Judy - I’ve renamed the plant I’d, I’m sure they will look wonderful in a few years time 🌸 @ripjuju
Hippeastrum seedlings progressing nicely 👍🏼 photo is a few months old, and bulbs are going dormant now. Hope to see them spring back to life soon and a little bigger. Here’s a progress pic Judy from last August @ripjuju
They should look stunning when they flower 🤩
@richardspicer.7906 Thanks for sharing, it's nice to know that they're doing well. It does take time for them to mature and when they do WOW!🌱
Well hopefully Sue 🤞🏼 - might be a couple years off them flowering yet though @suerichards
No problems Judy - I might try planting some in the ground in the polytunnel this year and see what happens. I have spares to play with 😄 @ripjuju
@janetandjim - photo from August 2019