Lantana camara
Big Sage
Late Spring 2019
- 8
Early Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Winter 2018
- 4
Mid Summer 2017
- 14
Mid Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Autumn 2016
- 11
Mid Autumn 2016
- 13
Mid Summer 2016
- 19
Mid Summer 2016
- 21

Lantana camara
Late Spring 2019
Early Summer 2018

Time for my two Lantana camara bushes (one out of shot) to come out of hibernation. The nights are warm enough now. It's been in a shady spot for about 2-3 weeks to harden off, although the foliage still scorched heavily (turning silver brown). I'm not worried though as it's done this the last two years. They are in their third year now. All trimmed back and now just to wait for regrowth #lantana #lantanacamara #lantana-camara

Well done on keeping these. I put mine in the ground thinking it would be ok but .........😩
Mid Winter 2018

Moving indoors, another #wintercheck - my Lantana pots from my front porch are currently residing in my undecorated lounge - it’s probably the last year I’ll be able to store these here as I’m would really hope I would have finished the decorating by the end of this year! Lantana needs to be kept usually above 10 degrees centigrade, hence why they are inside. Too cold for the shed. I give them a light water just once a month.

The radiator is off in this room for now, to avoid providing too much winter heat while these remain dormant and cool. The heat from the rest of the house manages to make it to the room and keep it around 10-12 at night, and the sun from the day takes it up to about 15-16 #overwinter-lantana #lantanacamara #lantana-camara

Be careful of spider mite infestation whilst they are indoor Rich as mine have been infested this year. Keep a good eye on them and mist the leaves once in a while to keep them at bay if you spot any.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Thanks Becks - good advice! I think I may have had a little of that last year and didn’t realise. They seem fine at the moment, no signs of any webbing this year, but will go give them a light misting now I think just to be safe 👍🏼😊 @mrsflowerpot
Mid Summer 2017

Now they look like this - covered in blooms and buds. It loves this spot - full sun all day, and little run as it's on the porch step under shelter. I just have to remember to water it at least once a week/10days (depending how hot it's been) as it doesn't really get the rain in this spot. #lantana #lantanacamara #advice-lantana #lantana-camara

It will fill out in no time. Pinch out the tips to keep it bushy 👍🏼

They look lovely Rich 🌺💛🌺💛

Nice contrast against the grey 👍🏼

Brilliant. I love these, remind me of holidays ❤️

I prefer the yellow/orange ones the most @Keely 😊🌼 but they all look great. Definitely adds a Mediterranean feel to the front patch

Indeed @justin - I've got to sacrifice a few buds this weekend on this one as gonna pinch out a bit more - trying to fill the hole in the middle a bit more

They do Pearl! I don't think they grow quite as vigorous in our climate as in other places but it's still puts on some growth in one year. These will usually be twice the size by October/November @fuschia

Looking fab! 👌🏼💛And me too Pearl ☀️🌼 @fuschia

Lovely 😎

Have to admit I like the yellow n orange ones too 👌

@hayleyaj Remembered this post from Rich a while back - in relation to the one you posted about a standard lantana xx
Mid Summer 2017

Back in May, I finally brought out my Lantana shrubs from hiding - they had spent all winter in the hallway in these pots! 😳 they don't generally like temps below 10degrees centigrade and the house was the only viable option..... they looked a bit bare but importantly they were still alive #lantana #lantanacamara #advice-lantana #lantana-camara

They will pick up quickly now though?

It's already filled out so much in just a couple of months 😀👍🏼 @kathy


Aww glad they made it through! Such a fab plant 🌼

Excellent....nice entrance....I know that's not the point! 🙄

Love the door !
Mid Autumn 2016

Love the variety in the flower colours. Although as it's getting cooler I've noticed more reds than yellows and oranges. Foliage is also turning a bronze colour. Very temp sensitive plant. They have grown quite well over the last couple of months, it seems a shame to lose them so will try overwintering as per my earlier post. If it doesn't work, I'll have to get new ones! 😉

#lantana #lantanacamara #lantana-camara

Good morning Rich lovely splash of colour. Have a good week🤗

Good luck @richard.spicer.7906 😊😊

It is a pretty plant. Pity it's such a major environmental weed in many parts of Australia because it's so invasive. 😕

Very pretty 😊💛❤️

Found lantanas fascinating since I first saw them in South Africa but never thought about growing them here❤️🙂

Afternoon Rich lovely bright colours 😊

Hi Richard 🖐🖐. I got one of these this year but it was only small. It has black berries on now. What will you do to overwinter it as I would like to keep mine too 🤔🤔🤔

@richard.spicer.7906 Beautiful. Seen them growing all over the western Med over the last two weeks. Hope you're keeping well 😊😊

👌🏻📸👌🏻 stunner and one for the wish list thx Rich 😘
Mid Autumn 2016

Almost time to try putting my Lantana to bed - never tried overwintering this one but having read various bits of advice on GT and web I think I will repot into a smaller pot, and cut back (fingers crossed!). I think the idea is to keep them in cool room around 8-10 degrees, but not any colder, and force them into a mini hibernation stage. Light not so important apparently, more temperature 🙈😳

#pots #lantana #lantanacamara #lantana-camara

They do look lovely 🤗


Good luck! Be interested to know how it goes 👍🏼

Very attractive entrance!

#frontdoor #pots #charcoal

That's a lovely entrance Rich 😍😍

This is a great way to accentuate #jazzup an entry way @richard.spicer.7906. I didn't know #lantana could do this.

Seriously stylish here @richard.spicer.7906 👌Worth trying to over winter them.

Very pretty!

Rich might be worth bringing them into a cool room overnight then put outside during the day for a couple of weeks. A sort of hardening off in reverse to ease the transition. Good luck though @richard.spicer.7906 👌🏻
Mid Summer 2016

Close up of the beautiful flowers which change colour with age. The foliage is scented too. #orange #yellow #lantana #lantanacamara #lantana-camara

Fantastic vibrant colours 😊

One of my favourite plants from holidays abroad. Love the fragrance. Wondered if it was OK in this country thanks for letting me know 😂😂😂😂

Beautiful flowers.

My lantana was flowering about a month ago but was cut short as I think it was too cold & wet outside I took it back into the greenhouse when the foliage started to go purplish because of the cold. It's OK but not doing great. Will have a look at it today. This one looks great 👌🏻

My favourite colours in the garden #oranges


Pretty flower🤗

Its lantana camara.. wild bush in Pakistan .

Beautiful does it change to red?

That's an interesting colour variation, and cheerful citrus colours too😊👍🏻
Beautiful. Would love one of these
Mid Summer 2016

It's a new day, a new week and trying to get myself organised 😊. I planted these Lantana as standards about 8 weeks ago, and they have come on really well in this warm weather. The front of the house gets really warm and suits the plants natural conditions in the wild. Soil should be kept moist but well drained (add lots of grit), and I've used a soil based mix rather than compost, which I've found retains water much better. Very tender, so I'm growing only as an annual rather than perennial.

Look wonderful Rich 👍

Posh front door 😀

Looks great 🌼👌🏼I love Lantana - always reminds me of holidays ☀️

What a great entrance 😁😁

Very pretty 😘😘

Stunning entrance 😊

Really stunning. Love them👌🏻

Stunning and beautiful entrance 👍💕

They look great Richard I'd like them outside my front door. I'm a bit green with envy at the moment ha!🤗
Looking really good

Perfect Rich, my kind of entrance 😍👌👌
12/06/19 - so, this is quite frankly a miracle! I left my 3 year old Lantana (which has had prime spot on my front porch for the last few years) in the polytunnel with the intention of chopping it up and getting rid as it has got extremely woody and didn’t do very well last year. My soft tip cuttings last autumn didn’t take, and i thought sod it I’ll just get a new one. This has had no heat, and been exposed to minus 5 in the poly, yet somehow it’s decided to resprout 😳😳😳
Not that I’m complaining, it’s just defied all the rules from what I had understood. And cause I was too lazy to chop it up pre Christmas I think I’ve actually inadvertently given it another chance to live. Potentially, I wonder as it was very woody (I mean this has never been cut back and had been in my hallway previous two winters 😂) that the thick mature ripened wood was enough to keep it alive in the poly. I didn’t even water it! And obviously harder for frost to get to it too.
#lantana #bigsage #lantana-camara #whenplantsdefytherules #lantanacamara - there is definitely parts that were thin and have died back, but most of the older wood is alive 😊 so I’m definitely going to now try again with either soft tip or semi-ripe cuttings to get loads of backups 👍🏼
A miracle or your green-fingered expertise, Rich? Sometimes plants thrive on neglect, which looks like the case here 😂 Good luck with your cuttings 😘
It's truly the coolest thing about gardening !! I can't tell you through the years, how many plants I thought needed to be put in the trash.....but, sure enough they always recover. We never give up and neither do the plants. 😀😎
Thanks, I think it is 😊😂 @cyndi That’s interesting Cyndi, I always thought these would struggle in our winters and I read somewhere that they don’t like temps below 10degrees Celsius - do you get frosts in your area? they sound a little more tougher than I had initially thought.
Thanks Barbara - really is a surprise, but going to try to get a whole tray of cuttings - at least they are easier to keep in doors over winter than a 3ft woody shrub 😂 @jacaranda
Yes, very true Sherri - sometimes it’s been tempting to throw many things away but then the plant makes a miraculous recovery 😄 @sherrisgarden