04/08/19 - Plume Poppy, this was actually from my propagation course. Macleaya can be propagated from root cuttings, and this was taken in winter 2019. Thought I was gonna lose it in spring due to a sudden wet period but it did good. Now flowering with this little tiny blooms which explode like mini fireworks #macleaya #macleayacordata #macleaya-cordata #plumepoppy
04/08/19 - Plume Poppy, this was actually from my propagation course. Macleaya can be propagated from root cuttings, and this was taken in winter 2019. Thought I was gonna lose it in spring due to a sudden wet period but it did good. Now flowering with this little tiny blooms which explode like mini fireworks #macleaya #macleayacordata #macleaya-cordata #plumepoppy
Will be interesting to see it in full flower, such a pretty little thing 👌
Time traveler 😉
That’s different. Just looked at other examples...kinda looks like the love child of a Thalictrum and a Hollyhock! 😂