Papaver somniferum 'Lauren's grape'
Opium Poppy 'Lauren's grape'
Mid Winter 2017
- 8
Early Winter 2017
- 10
Late Autumn 2016
- 3
Mid Summer 2016
- 6
Early Summer 2016
- 9
Late Spring 2016
- 37
Late Autumn 2015
- 11
Mid Summer 2015
- 5
Mid Summer 2015
- 1
Early Summer 2015
- 0
Early Summer 2015
- 2

Papaver somniferum 'Lauren's grape'
Mid Winter 2017
Early Winter 2017

Ok, enough bulbs for tonight. I'll finish with some seed heads from my poppies adding some winter interest to the garden 😊 #seedheads #poppy #papaversomniferum #opiumpoppy #wintergarden

I love keeping many of my perennials as visual interest through winter! The critters and birds that are still hanging out love them too! What do you do with them?

This is a beautiful photo.

@richard.spicer.7906 Fantastic. Love 'em 😊

Cant beat leaving seed heads on for the birds 😃😃

Stunning like a sculpture

Fab. #bestof2017

Lucky birds to have found your garden 😊 It's interesting, this year I followed the advice of doing less "tidying up" in the garden and I can't believe how many more bird visitors I've noticed than before....will definitely do this next fall again 👍


Thats a great pucture, would look good in black and white hanging on a wall.
Late Autumn 2016

#poppy seed heads, always attracts the blue tits at this time of year, and with a bit of luck I'll have enough seed left to start next years collection #autumn

I have never been able to grow poppies. What's the secret?? #seedhead #freeseeds

I have never seen before, nice to see
Mid Summer 2016

Who can spot the odd thing about this poppy? 😀


Clever poppy lol 🙌

Double seed pod, interesting😉

Me !! How odd is that 🤔🤔

That's cool!
Early Summer 2016

#poppy - Papaver somniferum

Lovely very delicate 💕

😁👍🏼 @jilly

That is so lovely 💕 glad the rainy weather didn't take affect your poppies (I hope!)

The brushed colors inside the petals are so beautiful

Thanks @qubit 😊👍🏼

Hi Elisa 😊👋🏼 - hope you are enjoying your trip to the UK. The poppies lasted only a couple of days - I always find you have to be quick to catch them otherwise the petals have fallen and you miss them. Got some great fat seadheads forming now. I'll collect a couple of my favourites and leave the rest to the birds to peck at - it's a great sight to see 😁


Good to know, I'd like to plant some next year and then maybe the birds can be the seed sowers 😊 Thanks, Rich, having a wonderfully busy time over here and the garden/plant looking is a feast for my eyes!😍
Late Spring 2016

It's Friday folks, which means one more work day till I can get out in the garden 😊🌾🌷🌹🌸 🐝🐛🐞

Simply gorgeous Rich 🙌

😉🙌🏼👊🏼 @justin

Your photography is inspiring! 📷


@richard.spicer.7906 what a beautiful colour & photo, gorgeous 😀

Wow wow amazingly beautifully photo Richard 📷💕

@carolecuttingitfine 😊🙏🏼

I have a day of holiday today, I should be saving my pennies but I think I'll end up at my local plant nursery... 😎

Amazing colour 🤗

Wow! 👌🏼👒

How lovely x
Late Autumn 2015

A lonely poppy seed head 😊 #seeds #macro

One of natures many beautiful products 👍

Beautiful 😍

Self seeded for next year then

Ready for harvest

Love freebies @richard.spicer.7906

Great pic Richard 👍

Loving the macro!

Thanks Maia! 😊 @maialty

Stunning pic !👀👍🏼

☺️ @Naomi126
Mid Summer 2015

Darn it - i missed this poppy flower again. Although, only just - the heads still look amazing though. These will slowly fill with developing seeds 😁

I love the structure of seed heads 🐰

Doh 😤

A well taken close up

Mid Summer 2015

Found a new one coming through. Yay! 😀
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015

Well, i completely missed these in flower over the last 3 weeks. However, the ripening seed heads look very majestic!

❤️❄️ - still looking stunning in the #winter #poppy #seedhead #papaversomniferum #opiumpoppy
@richard.spicer.7906 Morning Mr Spicer. Great picture 😊
Frost on a seed head makes a great photo @richard.spicer.7906
I bet the birds have enjoyed them!😊😊
Fabbo!! 💛
#bestof2017 #winterinterest #frost #feedthebirds
Evening =⬆Agreed ⬆ you just reminded me of a pic .. stunning shot Richard