Primula vulgaris
Native Primrose
Early Winter 2023
- 17
Early Spring 2018
- 7
Early Spring 2018
- 7
Early Spring 2016
- 6
Mid Winter 2016
- 6
Late Winter 2015
- 2
Late Winter 2015
- 0

Primula vulgaris
Early Winter 2023
Early Spring 2018

Is there a record for the largest Primrose? 😮 this seems to have quadrupled in size over the last month #primula-vulgaris #primrose #primula

It's beautiful 😍😍

Must love where it is 💛💛💛

Blimey that looks fabulous, what conditions do you have it in?

Wow! How lovely! 🌼🌼🌼

Fabulous .

Beautiful! My favourite flower! Thanks for sharing!..
Early Spring 2018

Bit dogeared, but this clump of #primula-vulgaris is the biggest it’s ever been. I might divide it soon #primula #primrose

🤓 - here is an interesting fact I learnt about our native primula from college - did you know there are two types of flower shapes? Pin Eyed (where the stigma comes out)and Thrum eyed (where it’s hidden within). I think I have Thrum eyed. It is a natural design to stop it self pollinating and thus pollinate only those flowers from another plant with the opposite design 📖 #learnsomethingneweveryday #plantscience

Couple of interesting reads - and

Love primroses 💛💛👍🏻

Those are pretty!

That’s for sharing that knowledge I’m definitely going to read it!! I go back on May, 11, 2018 can’t wait 😊💕

@richard.spicer.7906 Sow seeds too. Dead easy 👍👍
Early Spring 2016

My primroses have started to flower too #spring #primrose #white
Lovely flower.
How long will they flower for. Thinking of buying some for pots.

Hi @mroundhay - I usually see this one flowering till around May time and it's spring flowering. I have it in a small shady woodland patch so come summer it is covered in other things like shrubs and the canopy of the trees. 👍🏼
Thanks Richard. I'll think about them for next year now. Terry.
Mid Winter 2016

This is the pink version of the primula I was talking about @tiggrx - taken in 2009 when I first moved into my house. I remember taking the picture but lost the plant location and never found it since 😕

That's a shame

It looks like it could be a case of a bee having introduced some garden primrose genes into a population of wild primroses. Shame it hasn't reappeared.

Very pretty 😍

I'm gonna go on a mission at the weekend to find it 🔎🕵
Reminds me of my childhood, with the woods near my old house...
Late Winter 2015
Horrible wet day outside, hunkered down on the sofa today except for that brief moment I forgot it’s gonna be freezing tonight. Had to run out to put the fleece on plants in the tunnel #primrose #primula #primulavulgaris #primula-vulgaris
Spotted this pin-eyed primula on my way! #upclose #pineyedprimulaflower
Lovely to see! Apparently we have snow and ice being thrown at the garden!
We are also 30° colder in our gardens here in Wisconsin, USA! We have our pellet stove on, blankets for coverage for us and beef stew in the slow cooker for dinner!
Very cold here today but finally sunny. It has been so dreary for so long. Stay warm Richard 🥶
Lovely 😊 so early aren’t they
It’s definitely felt colder today, I just checked the weather report for me in St Albans, fortunately I think it’s just cold temps, -5c tmrw night. No snow forecast now, but anything can happen with the weather 🤷🏻♂️ @Auricula
brrrrr sounds cold Kari! 🥶 Best place to stay indoors I think! Keep warm, and hope your beef stew was tasty 😋 @KariSamuel
You stay warm too Diane! We finally got a bit or welcome sun, I’m just thankful the rain has finally stopped 🙄 @hkyfvr
Me neither Karen, but keeping my fingers crossed it’s not as bad as they say it could be @KOutdoors
They are Christine. I found another one blooming away, a nice pink one 😊 @vegandmore
Ooh never seen a pink one 🤔