Primula vulgaris
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

I ❤❤❤ the edging on this! The first of many I hope!

Wow! Incredible 😍

Thank you jacqui @Muzz67 😍
Early Spring 2016

Anyone know which variety please #plantid

Wish mine looked like that. .struggling at the moment

Was just commenting tonight that they have flowered for weeks but have deadheaded freequently to be honest! A couple of them I planted too deep initially and that certainly was bad news! Have yours been in all winter @jpgarden?

No. Just been in last few weeks. Were doing really well but now struggling

Thats a pitty @jpgarden, these are in moderately drained soil but need to not get compacted otherwise mine were rotting. Sorry not sure what else to suggest, it's a bit trial and error with me to be honest!

Yeh for me to. Quite new to this. Will keep trying though. Everything else is going well so not to bad


Superb color!
Thank you @lordshankar
Beautiful 💛💛💛
Lovely💛💛💛 @SylviaDavies
I thought so too!!! Thanks @kimguy @lovemygarden65 @gjones 😊
Your welcome @SylviaDavies