- Late Spring 2021
- 3
- Early Spring 2020
- 14
My 'Monkey Cup' that my dad had gotten me for my birthday back in Feb!! I havent been on in a while and I have missed everyone's beautiful plants!!! #monkeycup #monkeycups #pitcherplant #pitcher-plant #carnivorous #carnivorousplant #patio #warmingup #cloudyday #middle-tn #tennessee #gift
Since my big one died β° I got two babies to re-try. Trial and error! Fingers crossed these babies do better! Have a better humidity set up compared to last time as well! #martinshomeandgarden #pitcherplant #pitcher-plant #tryagain #roundtwo #discountplants #tennessee #middle-tn #indoor #indoorplant #highhumidity #carnivorous #carnivorous-plants #babies