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Living in Richmond, VA. I grow native plants, except for some annuals in containers and a few plants that fall into my lap from various sources.

Heuchera 'Champagne'

  • Season Icon Mid SpringMid Spring 2020
  • Like Count 4

I impulse bought these on sale last year because they were dirt cheap. Usually not a huge heuchera fan, and wouldn't have picked this leaf color. So I just stuck them in a neglected shady back corner. They seem pretty happy here. They're kind of growing on me. Now I'm happy about them.

  • Season Icon Early SpringEarly Spring 2019
  • Like Count 5

What is the over/under on these fancy huechera surviving? On the plus side, they are in perfect light medium shade. On the minus side, that area is wet. I'm going to say they die next winter. Got 'em cheap so I don't mind treating them like annuals.
