Angel's Trumpet
Mid Autumn 2022
- 2
Early Summer 2020
- 23
Early Summer 2020
- 28
Late Spring 2020
- 20
Late Spring 2020
- 17
Late Spring 2020
- 28
Late Spring 2020
- 20
Late Autumn 2019
- 5
Late Autumn 2019
- 10
Mid Autumn 2019
- 9
Mid Autumn 2019
- 18
Mid Autumn 2019
- 11
Mid Autumn 2019
- 5

Mid Autumn 2022
Early Summer 2020

The scent this evening was just #intoxicating Phil 😊 I just want to keep sitting there and enjoy it @philstalder #angelstrumpet #brugmansia #pink #scented

So, so, sooo beautiful!

That’s nice Rula. Mine has one lone flower that I can smell far away. Yours must fill the whole place. 🤩

Wow! That's incredible looking Rula!💘😍

😍🌸Beautiful!.... How do you feed it?

That’s just beautiful Rula 💞💞💞

Thank you Jackie 💓💓 I’m addicted to this one now 🤣 @jmlincoln

I’ve had that for a while Phil but it decided to grace us with a few more 😁 @philstalder

Thank you Shelley 💓😁 The scent was amazing at night too 😊 @ShelleySnyder

@JCARLOSARENAS7 Thank you 😊💓 I use the regular equal portion feed for it 20-20-20 once every two weeks

Thank you Katy and Jane 💓💓 I loved the strong scent last night 😊 I couldn’t resist to stay on the terrace extra time to enjoy it @gjones @pelly

Such a beautiful sight 💗💗💗
Early Summer 2020

The second wave 😁 #angelstrumpet #brugmansia

So many flowers, gorgeous 💛💛💛

They’re looking fantastic 😍 the colour chance fascinates me 💛💖

Oh my your brugs look so gorgeous Rula!💘😍

Wow so many blooms. Must smell heavenly at night. 😍

Thank you Jane 💛💗💛💗 it’s a fabulous plant and I’m thoroughly in love with it 😄 @pelly

Thank you so much Kerry 💚💛💗 Me too 😁 It adds so much to its allure 😍 @kez001uk

That means so much to me coming from you Shelley 💓💓 I can’t wait to see yours as well 😄 They’re marvelous 😍 @ShelleySnyder

Oh thank you so much Phil 😄💓 It’s has a healthy competition with the summer jasmine scent 😆 @philstalder

Thank you Rula and it was my pleasure!💘

Wow Rula 😍I’m jealous! Looking good!

Oh wow Rula, they are just so fabulous 😍😍💗💛
Late Spring 2020

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #frostypink #fullybloomed #scented

More blooms. Yay. Beautiful Rula. 🤩

Happy birthday 🥳 xx 😘

Lookin good Rula 👍

Thank you so much Sue 💞💞 @suerichards

Thank you Phil 💖💖 I think I’m in love with this beauty 😍 I can’t get enough of it’s flowers and it does have a nice scent as you said 😁 @philstalder

Thank you Ivan 😊 @brugman

Oh happy birthday!! I didn’t realise xx

What a nice Birthday present. So glad you get to enjoy it. 🎂🍨🤩

Happy birthday Rula 💐💐💐

Its such a fascinating flower. I love them. Happy birthday garden friend

Aw thank you Dan 🥰💖 @dan5584
Late Spring 2020

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia

Beautiful, love the colour! 💓

Beautiful 😍

Thank you Dan 😊 I think it’s my favourite colour although the yellow is also very nice 💗💛 @dan5584

Thank you Kerry 💞😊 I think this is the final stage of bloom and final colour 😄 @kez001uk

It's beautiful, so fragile looking 💖💛💖

Now this is definitely a different one! Absolutely gorgeous too 💗💗💗

How fabulous 💛🧡💛

Thank you Jane 💖😊 It feels fragile but sometimes amazes me by how strong it could be 😄 @pelly

Same one Jeff 😄😄 It’s fully open now and the colour is more prominent 💖 So far I have five angel’s trumpets but only this one has grown enough to flower. The others are still delicate and small 🌱 @jeatacake

Thank you Sue 💖💖 It’s something else with those different colours, isn’t it? 😄 @suerichards

You have me completely bamboozled with these! 😂 Their beauty is adling my brain ☺ I look forward to eventually seeing the other ones, but can you imagine how confused I'll be then! 🤣🤣🤣
Late Spring 2020

What a difference a day makes! it’s starting to show some colour 😍#angelstrumpet #brugmansia

Is that a frosty pink?

Beautiful 😍😍

I think you may be right Ivan, although I wouldn’t know for sure because I started it as a cutting from a neglected plant on the side of the road 🙈😄 @brugman

Thank you Sherri 💓😊 It’s been a pleasure to watch it in every stage 😁 @sherrisgarden

That’s lovely hun 👌🏼😍

Thank you Katy 💖😊 It’s an eye catcher and knows how to take her sweet time from one stage of bloom to the next 😄 @gjones

Oh thank you Lexi 💞💞 @lexijane

Oh wow! Is this a different one? 😍

Very welcome 😀

So pretty 🤩

That’s lovely Rula. Make sure you smell it at night. They perfume most starting at dusk. Good job. 😍
Late Spring 2020

Feeling impatient 😅😇 #angelstrumpet #brugmansia

Love how they unfurl 💛

#anticipation #worththewait

So exciting👍💛 I can only dream of flowers with my reluctant brugs! 😏

Thanks Kerry 💛 It’s nice to see the process and how it changes in colour 😄 @kez001uk

Thanks Kari 😊💓 @KariSamuel

Oh but they’re so close Jeff 💛 I’m sure yours will flower soon 🤞🏻 @jeatacake

@sabbanrula I have seeds and the more I see on here the more I’m tempted to give them a go 🤭

Wow! Lucky you! I'm so far from flowers!💘😍

Thanks Rula, but still no sign of flowers on mine😑 I'll still enjoy yours & others on here though 🙂

You certainly should Kerry 💚 They’re marvelous plants and the flowers are so worth the trouble 😄 I actually got this one as a cutting from a neglected plant on the side of the road last year and look how much it grew 💚💚 @kez001uk

Oh thank you Shelley💚💞 I’ve been waiting on these puds for a while and seeing @philstalder’s flowers just made me more anxious 😄 @ShelleySnyder
Late Autumn 2019

#angelstrumpet #stillgoingstrong #stillblooming

Are you getting your yellow flower? 🤔💛

@pelly I don’t think so, Jane 😄 They all start off a but yellow then white and later turn a pinkish peach color 😆 I’ll try to sweet talk it into one, you never know 😁💛💛

Ahh, I didn't realise that 😄😄

I’ve just been watching it very closely maybe too closely ti figure it out 🤣 @pelly
Late Autumn 2019

Do you thing the lack of sun in the past few days is why it bloomed white? Would it change color now that the sun has come out? 🤔 l’m just enjoying having a temporary #white #angelstrumpet 😁 #december2019

I really don't know, but it still looks lovely 😍😍

Thank you, Jane 💚 I have two colors in one plant now 😄 I’m super excited to see if we can make it produce some yellow 🤣🤣 (I don’t think so 😅) @pelly

Now that would be different 🤔😍


How unusual, but I still never tire of seeing these 😍

Thank you, Annette 🙏🏻💞 @laketitlow

Thank you so much, Cyndi 🙏🏻😊 I read about them before but didn’t know One could change color 😄 I’m happy about how this cutting turned out 💞💞 @cyndi

Thank you, Katy 🙏🏻💞 I think so too 😍 I’m happy how it turned out and can’t wait for what it will teach me next 😄 @gjones

Thank you, Jeff 😊🙏🏻 me too 😁 they’re incredible flowers and a joy to look at 😍 @jeatacake
Mid Autumn 2019

The second flower and this baby has a few surprises up its sleeve 😍😍


Thank you Kylee @kylers 💚

I hope so Katy 😄 I have it tucked away from the winds, so I’m hoping to enjoy the best of what it gives me this year 💚💚 @gjones


Thank you Annette. Smells good too 😁 @laketitlow

Plenty to come. The production line is just starting 👍🙂

Exactly Jeff 😁 I was surprised to find so many ☺️ @jeatacake

Your welcome
Mid Autumn 2019

I had a lot of fun picking up a wisteria and Jacaranda today from a local nursery. They’re quite little but were on sale. Then came home to enjoy this one #angelstrumpet #still-flowering

A perfect day and that was worth coming home for 😍😍

Picture perfect!

Thank you Jane, it was truly a brilliant day 💞💞 @pelly

Thank you Kari 🙏🏻 this one just keeps amazing me because it’s the first flower that I’ve observed bloom from the beginning. And the size was a nice surprise as well 😁💞 @KariSamuel

I probably posted too many photos of it @gjones It just so beautiful and different from the others 💗💗

So true Katy. Every one owns flowers they feel a connection to 💞🥰

It looks fabulous Rula. What's the fragrance like for this? I know the yellow ones are very scented.

Thank you Jeff 😊 I has a lovely scent but I don’t believe its that strong, not like a rose for instance @jeatacake

I have à pink one & yellow too. If they survive winter I may find out first hand next year 🤞

Oooh 😍 both pink and yellow 💗💛 I really hope they survive and blossom for you first thing nest year because it’s a true delight 🥰 @jeatacake

Thank you Rula. They've truly been labour of love. The yellow ones were sown in spring 2018 & the pink ones this last spring. The yellow plants are big, at least a metre tall, so it's 🤞🙏 for flowers eventually! 🌼🌸
Mid Autumn 2019

FINALLY 😃😃 I have been waiting for the #first-flower for what feels like forever. I thought the cutting I took in the spring was from a yellow #trumpet but here we are a gorgeous #peach. #angelstrumpet

Oh my, what is beauty 🧡🧡

Thank you Katy and Jane @gjones @pelly I can’t believe how lucky we got with this one 😁

So beautiful. I love these 💗

It’s been on my wishlist for a while now Jeff. I’m just happy to have it in my garden 😁😁 @jeatacake

I also can't wait to see mine flower 🤞 summer next year. It will have been a long wait for me too, from seed in spring 2018!

Oh my, that’s a long wait 😄 but it’s worth every second when they finally bloom 💚 @jeatacake

Ooooh how pretty! I got 4 cuttings from my friends yellow one about a week ago and it’s covered in roots already! I wonder if mine will magically be a pretty peach color too. 😂

Thank you 😊, you never know what you’ll get with these 😂 @heelerpup My mom really wanted a peach colored one, meanwhile I just wanted any and found this one on the street. Thank God we both got what we wanted 😄 hope you get what you want too 💛🧡

@sabbanrula I’m like you, I just wanted one, I don’t care what color. 😁 They have such an amazing smell, and a night flower is very unique. I’m glad you both got your wishes granted. 🧚♀️

That’s the thing about garden plants @heelerpup They are great any way they come. I’m never picky about what plants I get but I never seem to get enough (very greedy 😈). I want to grow everything 😄
Mid Autumn 2019

I started this one from a cutting early in the summer and now it’s almost a meter tall. And today I noticed it was preparing a little surprise for us.

I was thinking the same thing. I guess she likes mom enough to all this for her. She’s been on my wishlist for too long😄 @gjones

Aww that’s wonderful Rula 😍😍

Thank you so much Jane. I could barely believe it too 😄 really made my day @pelly

Isn’t it wonderful when a plant does that 😍😍
#angeltrumpet #yellow #fallblooms #autumn
Thank you so much 🌷 @gjones