Chamaedorea elegans
Late Autumn 2018
Early Spring 2017

Help me identify this plant #plantid. I'm pretty sure this is a #parlorpalm but i just wanted to check. #help #palm #green #plants #indoor #indoorplants #houseplant

#chamaedorea 😀

@fuma Thank you, I thought it would be that!

You're welcome 😉

These are so forgiving my daughter has one & she hasn't killed it so they must be tough 😂😂

@angiecrazycatlady haha. I'm known to either give plants too much love or totally forget about them but I'm trying my best to keep them alive.
13/12/18. Somebody help, its leaves have gone very light yellow/brown what do I do?
#parlorpalm #palm #help #advice #plant-help
I’m far from an expert, but yellowing leaves can be from overwatering and under feeding in my experience. Some fertilizer for house plants and good drainage may help. Good luck 😉
Thanks so much @cyndi and @grelis but I've always been told not to repot of feed in the winter. So should I wait till spring or just do it now?
Probably too much direct light and water, these can take a lot of shade, make sure you let all the water completely drain away from the pot in future when you water it, never allow it to sit in a puddle of water and only water when the top inch of compost is dry. In the meantime cut off all the dead leaves and let it dry out. I wouldn't give much of a feed as houseplants should only be fed and repotted from March to October 😊