Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra'
Croton 'Petra'
Late Winter 2020
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Mid Winter 2020
- 4
Mid Winter 2020
- 5

Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra'
Late Winter 2020
Mid Winter 2020

I was inspired by the name suggestion that @cyndi gave and decided to name little lady, who has been through a lot, Philomena, which means 'friend of strength' since she reminds me of how strong she is and how strong I need to be. Thank you Cyndi for the inspiration If you look closely, she is growing a new leaf already. What a trooper!! and I am getting my daily dose of new growth, which you all know how new growth brightens my day Swipe to see Cyndi's name suggestion, the full plant and story.

Yay! Pleased she’s putting on some growth for you. I’ve never grown one before but I realise some plants (particular those indoors) sometimes hate to be moved so it’s good to see she’s doing ok 👍🏼

Thank you @richard.spicer.7906 I'm glad she has been a success!! 🥰 I'm very excited to see how she does in the future. She is very special to me 💚

Thank you @cyndi 🥰 I have you to thank for the idea of naming her after strength 💚 xoxo
Mid Winter 2020

This little lady has been through a lot. I had to leave her behind when I first moved and thought she was done for but when I went back for the rest of my stuff she was still there. I was determined to bring her back. I know Crotons don't like to be moved. I planned to stay a few days, so she moved around a lot, which I'm sure was not fun for her, but stood tall and here she is!! I'm so proud! She is in her permanent spot, so let's see how she does 🤞I haven't name her, if anyone has suggestions

Thank you @cyndi 🥰 I love the idea of Valeria meaning strength 💚

I love all the colors of crotons, and am so glad you brought her back with you. Looks extremely healthy. You've got the touch @sarahkbartley!

Thank you for the huge compliment @shawnasea 🥰 She was just calling to me at a grocery store and only lost 2 leaves when I bought her. I actually didn't get her the first time I saw her and I went back to the store just to get her. When I moved, I thought she was lost. I almost bought another Petra Croton, but none were calling to me like this one did. It was meant to be that this little lady came to me and we found each other again 💚

Philomena is definitely a friend of strength! She hasn't lost a single leaf since she has arrived, even with her bumpy journey. What a trooper! Pepper Ann is making an appearance and is doing well, too. Both are loving the lighting they are getting 🥰â›… I am excited to see how Philomena does as she settles in, even more 💚😍 #foliagefriday #foliageforlife
Thanks @cyndi !! 🥰💚 I've been wanting to repot Philomena, but I'm waiting for her to settle in more and make sure she's done being in shock, before I do anything like that. Trying to be on the safe side. I ideally want her in terracotta or ceramic.
That's a smart idea @cyndi 🤔 I think I'll do that. Thanks a bunch!! 🥰💚
Love your arrangement there. Grandma would have loved it.
Thanks Dad 🥰 I think everyone would be really proud of our gardens @docthrill 💚
The responses we get, they are !